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We can discusss this matter tomorrow.


The conference is to start tomorrow.


2 Как правило, перечисленные модальные глаголы употребляются в настоящем времени. При использовании других времен часто употребляются эквиваленты модальных глаголов:


The Modal Verb Past Tenses Future Tenses
can may must could, was/were be able might, was/were allowed had to do shall/will be able shall/will be allowed shall/will have to

We were able to come to an agreement.

We were allowed to use this equipment.

You will have to rewrite it.


3 Если после модальных глаголов употребляется Perfect Infinitives, значения модальных глаголов меняются:


They must have done it. They can have done it. They may have done it. They might have done it. They should have done it. They were to have done it. Должно быть (скорее всего) это сделали они. (т.е. почти полная уверенность) Возможно это сделали они. Может быть это сделали они. (меньшая степень уверенности) Все-таки маловероятно, что это сделали они. (т. е. еще меньшая степень уверенности) Они должна были бы сделать это. (упрек) Они должны были сделать это. (по плану, но не сделали этого)


§ Exercises

a Read and translate the following sentences:


1 A solicitor is a lawyer who gives legal advice to his or her client and may sometimes represent them in court.

2 A trustee is the legal owner of property which s/he holds in trust for the benefit of the beneficiary under Rules of Equity and the trustee must act in the interests of the beneficiary, according to the terms of the trust.

3 In law «to appeal» is to ask a higher court to change the judgement already given by a lower court. Criminals have the right to appeal against their sentences to the Court of Appeal. If the appeal is refused there can be a final appeal to the House of Lords, but this rearly happens.

4 Anyone who wants to own a gun, even a shortgun (a gun for shooting birds or rabbits) must get a firearm certificate from the police.


b Read the following text, underline the modal verbs and explain their usage:

The jury and the verdict

In British law since the accused are considered to be innocent until they are proved guilty, the prosecution must prove their guilt, the defence does not have to prove their innocence. If there is doubt in the minds of the jury, the verdict must be «not guilty». In Scottish law, a jury may return a verdict of «not proven» (not proved), but even then the verdict is final and a person may not be tried twice for the same crime. Until 1966 in England and Wales all the members of the jury had to be in agreement. Now, at least ten of the twelve jury members must agree before a verdict can be given.


сRead the following table and say what Russian young people can or must do at these ages:


Young people and the law in the UK age
They must go to school
They can buy a pet without their parents being there
They cart get a part-time job
They can leave home without permission of their parents
They can get married if their parents agree
They can leave school and work full time
They can apply for a passport
They can drive a car but not a lorry
They can go to prison
They can vote
They can drink alcohol in public


d Read the following and sum it up:

Learner drivers and law

In Britain all learner drivers need to display «L» plates.

In the USA there is no law that says a learner driver needs to have «L» plates or any such warning device. A young person can apply for a learner's permit at the age of fifteen and a half and take a test at sixteen.

In Germany you must go to a professional driving school to learn to drive.

In Finland you have to do a written test.

In Spain and France new drivers carry a sticker to show that the vehicle has a maximum speed of 90 k. p. h.


e Have a look at the picture and say what you see in it:



Mark the true statement with «J»:

1 You can have a passenger on a motorbike provided he wears a helmet................

2 Unless you wear a helmet, you can't ride on a motobike................

3 No passenger is allowed on a motobike................

4 No passenger is allowed on a bike................


§ The main functions of the Infinitive in sentences



§ Exercises

aUnderline the Infinitives, write down what parts of sentences they are and translate the sentences into Russian:


1 His duty is to make sure that the place of work is safe....(Part of the predicate)............................................

2 He could not refuse to fulfill demands of court................................................................................................

3 He has just finished to read the sentence..........................................................................................................

4 I expect him to be acquitted..............................................................................................................................

5 Please telephone him to send this message.......................................................................................................

6 I would like to see this witness again...............................................................................................................

7 This is the place to see......................................................................................................................................


§ The Participles and their functions in sentences



§ Exercises

a Encircle the Participles, mark the Present Participles with «Pres» and the Past Participles with «Past» and translate the sentences into Russian:

  1 I he tine paid amounted to three hundred dollars.   2The executor is the person appointed to «execute» the will, that is to give effect to the wishes expressed in the will by the testator. 3 All criminal trials in Britain are held before a judge and a jury consisting of twelve ordinary people. 4 The police investigating the case are looking for three men. 5 The police never found the money stolen in the robbery. 6 They promised to compensate for all the expenses incurred. 7 The document corrected cannot be accepted.   Past - Уплаченный штраф составил 300 долларов...................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .....................................................................................



b Complete the following sentences using Participles:


1 They considered the application dated 20 September 1999 (to date) 20 September 1999.

2 The other party wanted to change the period ......................... (to establish) previously.

3 The questions...........................(to mention) were of no importance.

4 The facts...........................(to underline) by the girl were rather unexpected.

5 The decision...........................(to make) aroused everybody's interest.

6 The contract ...........................(to make) between these two parties has been completed.

7 The Clause...........................(to describe) the terms of payment will be discussed tomorrow.

8 The reports...........................(to reveal) these figures has not been issued jet.


§ Some prepositions


Remember and use for reference:


  · a party to a contract · a party in an action · a party in/at fault · to claim smth · a claim for smth · to give rise to a claim · to state a claim against smb · in opposition to the claim · to sue a case against smb · to bring a civil action against smb · to proceed a case against smb · to make charges against smb · to accuse smb of smth · to charge smb with smth · to acquit smb of smth, · to be entitled to acquittal · to witness smth · a witness to smth · to testify to smth at/in/ during a trial · to keep/to detain smb in custody · to take into custody · to be in jail/prison
· under consideration · under/on oath · under legal duty · to take smth into consideration/ account · not subject to appeal without appeal · to support smth in support of smth  

• to veto smth – a veto of/over smth

• to search smth – to search for smth – in search of smth

• to consent to smth – to give consent to smth – by mutual consent

• inconsistent/incompatible with smth

• to be/to remain in force

to come/to enter into force



§ Parts of Speech

Remember and use for reference:


Существительное noun n.
Глагол verb V.
Прилагательное adjective adj.
Наречие adverb adv.
Местоимение pronoun pron.
Причастие (отглагольная форма) Participle Part.
Герундий (отглагольная форма) Gerund Ger.
Инфинитив (неопределенная форма глагола) Infinitive Inf.
Предлог preposition prep.
Союз conjunction conj.


§ Parts of Sentence


Remember and use for reference:


Подлежащее subject subj.
Сказуемое predicate pred.
Дополнение object obj.
Определение attribute attr.
Обстоятельство adverbial modifier adv.
места of place  
времени of time  
образа действия of manner  
цели of purpose  


§ Revise Grammar!


a Read and retell how the story started:



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