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While many communities realize the value of special events to the city, and they go out of their way to help the promoter proposing the event, cities such as Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Indianapolis have established special event committees and policies to help the promoter work his way through the power structure. These groups concentrate primarily on major events that have demonstrated they can have an economic impact on the community. But what about new events that have not yet proven their viability? Can they generate community support? An example is the "International Chili Cookoff."

In 1967, a group of Texas landowners decided that they needed to do something

in order to sell 2,000 acres of land they owned. Their idea was to hold a special event, and they came up with the "World's Champion Chili Cookoff," a competition that would pit the best chili cooks against each other. The idea, of course, was to call attention to the land— and it did. Although there were only two contestants that first year it provided grist for the news mill, particularly when the judges (three) outnumbered the contestants, and especially when one of them claimed his "taste buds were wrecked" from the concoctions that had been brewed.

From the start, the event was a tongue-in-cheek cookoff, with people ending up with more laughs (and promotion for the land) than quality chili. The event caught on and spread. It was even held one year at the posh Balboa Bay Yacht Club, where it drew more than 200 people who paid $2 each for all the chili they could eat. One of the 14 participating chili cooks would win a trip to Texas to vie for the "world" title. Eventually, the event became so big that it was moved to an almost-ghost town in the desert called "Tropical Gold Mine." The first year in Tropical, the cookoff drew more than 14,000 people. This year, the crowd will be in excess of 20,000. And more than 300 other local chili cookoffs are now staged throughout the year. Each purchases a license from the national event so they can utilize the name, and some— such as the Malibu (California) cookoff—generate more than $300,000 for charity each year.

The success of this cookoff illustrates several points. First, in order to have an event you need an idea. Second, if it's unique and offers consumers two other elements—fun and entertainment—it can be successful. People must be able to enjoy themselves. Third, fun and entertainment can lead to feelings of goodwill by attendees—which can be transferred to a sponsor and the sponsor's product.



5.1. Listen to the text “The Value of Special Events”.

5.2. Read and translate the text.

5.3. Answer the questions on the text.

1. Why do many communities go out of their way to help the promoter

proposing the event? 2. What do they establish? 3. What events do they primarily concentrate on? 4. How can new events generate community support? 4. How did the “World’s Champion Chili Cookoff” competition appear? 5. Has the primary goal of the event achieved? 6. What was the success of the event stipulated by?



5.4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

осознавать, ценность, постараться изо всех сил (чтобы оказать содей-

ствие), предлагающий, основать, посредством, мощная структура, главным образом, экономическое влияние, доказывать, жизнеспособность, вызвать поддержку общества, землевладелец, решать, для того, чтобы, продавать, владеть, акр, противостоять /соперничать, повар, привлечь внимание, участник конкурса, получить хорошую огласку, особенно, судья, превосходить численно, вкусовые рецепторы, разрушать, варево /стряпня, варить /готовить, утверждать /предъявлять претензию, шуточное кулинарное представление, смех, качество, войти в моду /прижиться, распространиться, роскошный, привлекать /вовлекать, выиграть поездку, побороться за/соперничать за, постепенно, город-призрак, пустыня, золотой прииск, больше чем, на протяжении года, купить лицензию, использовать, благотворительность, предлагать, потребитель, удовольствие, раз-влечение, наслаждаться, присутствующий /посетитель, привести к ощущению, добрая воля /доброжелательность, переносить /переводить


5.5. Open the brackets and put the verbs into proper tense form.


1. Interestingly, many international committees (have) a distorted view of the United States—a view that (benefit) many of the smaller communities. 2. For example, Europeans (have) a difficult time differentiating between our markets and the various cultures within them. 3. They (view) America much as they (view) countries in Europe: homogeneous. 4.They (look) upon the United States in the same manner, and (believe) there (be) little difference between Seattle, San Francisco, Miami, Los Angeles, and New York. 5. We (be) all Americans, so (we, must) all be the same. 6. Obviously, the culture (differ) radically in these markets. 7. In some cases, they (could, be) different countries insofar as tastes go. 8. Europeans, for instance, (not, can, conceive) that breakfast in New York (be) eggs over easy, while it (be) grits in Atlanta and a muffin in Los Angeles.

5.6. Fill in the blanks with articles if necessary.


1. This misconception works in favor of U.S. cities competing for international events. 2. Many governing bodies view cities in the East, West, North, and South as equal when bidding for events. 3. They do not see the differences in Houston and Boston, or Charlotte and Portland. 4. To many international bodies, population in a community is not the factor that determines whether or not the area gets an event. 5. It is the infrastructure and venues, the cooperation and organization that is displayed in proposals. 6. Thus, smaller population centers, such as Indianapolis and Kansas City, frequently have an equal chance to attract major events. 7. And that's what makes the promotion and managing of world class and special events a possibility for more communities in this country than most imagine.



5.7. Ask questions to italicized words.


1. Up until 1984, sponsorship was viewed as a charitable endeavor by companies. 2. They pulled out their wallets and wrote the check. 3. It was a community obligation and, in return, the companies received few tangible benefits. 4. The 1984 Games ushered in a new era. 5. It showed that sponsorships were potent marketing tools, and that companies could not only promote established products but introduce new ones through special events. 6. The Games, for example, provided a launching pad for a relatively new and unknown product in the United States—Fuji Film. 7. By the time the Games were over, Fuji was not only known but had made inroads into Kodak's dominance of the domestic film market in the United States.


5.8. Translate the following into English.


Нелегко подогнать проведение специального мероприятия под

определенный рынок. Вы добьетесь успеха, если вы последуете данным рекомендациям.

1. Помните, что потребители стали более разборчивыми (discerning), чем


2. Очень важна позитивная молва (positive word-of-mouth).

3. Знание рынка обязательно для менеджера.

4. Соотнесите потенциал мероприятия с предыдущим, проводим здесь.

5. Местная экономика – ключевой индикатор успеха.

6. Используйте местные информационные ресурсы, как например, торговую палату.

7. Мотивированность потребителя на развлечения.

8. Общества бывают разными: разнородными и однородными.


5.9. Give a talk on “Matching the Event to the Market”.




These tests are designed to assist you in determining if you have mastered the materials and competencies presented in above studied information.



1. How to evaluate consumer needs?


2. What are the relationships between sales and the event’s success?


3. Why can vision be a management tool?


4. What is the role of religion and nationalities?


5. Why do many communities aspire for the special events?


6. What is the most critical element in promoting an event?


7. What is a key element in obtaining low-cost-marketing?



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