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VI. Listening Comprehension Text.




More and more companies are providing recreational and sport opportunities for their employees. As the number of programs has increased, so has the need for qualified professionals to direct these activities. The responsibilities associated with this position are similar to those associated with the director of intramurals and/or campus recreation.

These responsibilities include establishing a program of activities, setting up athletic teams, scheduling contests, providing for instruction, and supervising personnel. As industrial recreation programs continue to grow, so will opportunities for qualified professionals.



1. director of industrial recreation - инструктор по спорту на предприятии
2. to provide opportunities - предоставлять возможности
3. responsibilities - обязанности
4. similar - сходный/подобный
5. providing for instruction, and supervising personnel - осуществление обучения персонала и контроля над ним



6. 1. Listen to the text "Director of Industrial Recreation".


6.2. Answer the questions to the text.


1. Do the companies provide recreational and sport opportunities for their

employees? 2. Who directs sport and recreational activities there? 3. Are these responsibilities similar to those associated with director of athletics? 4. What do these responsibilities include? 5. Industrial recreation programs continue to grow, don't they?



6.3. Retell the text.



VII. Text IV



Facilities manager positions can be found in a diversity of settings. Facilities managers are traditionally employed by colleges and universities. Facilities managers are needed to direct community, municipal, and commercial facilities such as aquatic centers, ice arenas, domed stadiums, sports complexes, and golf courses. The growing number of fitness centers and health clubs has also increased opportunities for individuals interested in facilities management.

Depending on the size of the sport facility, nature of programs, and number of individuals using the facility, the sport facilities manager may perform all the responsibilities by himself or herself or may have an assistant or several staff persons under his or her direction. In some situations the facilities manager may have additional responsibilities; for instance, in fitness club the facilities manager may also teach exercise classes or monitor individuals' workouts.

One of the prime concerns of the sport facilities manager is the safety of individuals using the facility. This involves making sure that the facility and equipment are maintained according to accepted standards. Knowledge of building codes, health and sanitation requirements, and law is necessary in this position. In facilities that are used for competitions such as stadiums, the facilities manager must make provisions to ensure the safety and well-being of spectators as well as participants. The manager must be concerned with crowd control and is responsible for security personnel. The facilities manager is also concerned about the business aspects of managing the facility, and he or she can have an impact on the financial success of the facility. The facility must be scheduled to ensure maximum use so as to ensure a profitable financial status. The manager may also supervise other financial aspects of the facility such as ticket sales, concessions, and parking. As the number of facilities continues to grow, opportunities in this area for qualified personnel will expand.



7.1. Listen to the text "Sport Facilities Management".

7.2. Read and translate the text.


7.3. Answer the questions:


1. Where can facilities manager positions be found? 2. Why are the facilities

managers needed to? 3. What do the facilities manager's responsibilities depend on? 4. What kind of additional responsibilities may a facilities manager have? 5. What is of the prime concerns of the sport facilities manager? 6. What does it involve? 7. What knowledge is necessary in that position? 8. Can a sport facilities manager have an impact on the business and financial aspects of managing the facility? 9. How must the facility be scheduled to ensure profit? 10. Why will a number of job opportunities in this area expand?



7.4. Find the English equivalents/or the following:

расширяться, квалифицированный персонал, парковка, концессия, продажа билетов, осуществлять надзор, обеспечивать, максимальное использование, прибыльный финансовый статус, влияние, успех, штат охранников, контроль столпотворения, участник, благополучие зрителей, необходимый, принимать меры предосторожности для обеспечения безопасности, знание, строительные нормативы, размеры, проводить индивидуальные тренировки, в соответствии с, принятые стандарты, санитарные нормы, поддерживать в состоянии / эксплуати-ровать, одна из первоочередных задач, вовлекать, вести занятия по физкультуре, дополнительный, выполнять обязанности, в зависимости от, управление спор-тивными сооружениями, ледовые арены, убедиться, персонал, крытый стадион, можно найти во многих местах, аквацентр, характер программ


7.5. Open the brackets and put the verb into proper Tense form.


1. Management in recreation and leisure (be) both an art and a science whose

principles (be) based on human experience and scientific research. 2. Managers (must, instruct, guide) and (evaluate) personnel. 3. With respect to the facility itself, managers (be) responsible for risk management (страховой менеджмент) and visitor management (гостевой менеджмент): for ascertaining (установление) carrying capacity (пропускная способность) and use rates (пользовательские тарифы); and for recommending or discouraging the imposition of fees and charges for use of the facility. 4. In evaluating the effectiveness of recreation and leisure programs, managers (must, assess) the administrative structure, the physical state of facilities, the performance (исполнительность) of staff members, and the success of programs.



7.6. Ask questions to the italic phrase.




1. This issue concerns the managers of both private and public recreation facilities. 2. For private facilities, fees must be set at appropriate market rates to attract the desired clientele while allowing the provider to make a reasonable profit. 3. On the public side, however, many people believe that no fees should be charged for the use of recreation facilities. 4. Others believe that charging fees will enhance the quality of services provided as well as restricting access to threatened natural resources. 5. The managers of public recreation facilities have important input into decision of whether or not to charge fees.


1. user fees - абонентская плата
2. issue - вопрос/аспект/пункт
3. at market rates - по рыночному курсу
4. on the public side - в общественном секторе
5. to charge fees - взимать плату
6. restricting access threatened natural resources - ограничение доступа, угрожающего природным ресурсам
7. clientele - клиентура

7.7. Listening Сomprehension Text




The purpose of visitor management is to make each person or group's visit as pleasant as possible while at the same time maintaining the quality of the setting. Clearly worded, appropriately placed signs should direct visitors to the sites of information and education programs, and personnel at these sites should be courteous and well informed. Outdoor interpreters should also be cordial and knowledgeable, as should security personnel and the staffs of shops, restaurants, and other facilities. To the greatest extent possible, facilities should be accessible to persons with disabilities. A key aspect of visitor management is the prevention of undesirable actions such as vandalism and graffiti.


1. visitor management - гостевой менеджмент
2. clearly worded - чётко сформулированный
3. appropriately placed signs - указатели, расположенные в походящих местах
4. courteous - обходительный
5. outdoor interpreters - внешний персонал
6. cordial - приветливый
7. knowledgeable - осведомлённый
8. to the greatest extent possible по мере возможности
9. persons with disabilities люди с физическими увечьями
10. prevention профилактика/предупреждение



7.7.1. Listen to the text "Visitor Management".



7.7.2. Answer the questions:

1. What is the purpose of visitor management? 2. What should direct visitors to

the sites of information and educational programs? 3. Should the personnel be courteous and well-informed there? 4. Who else should be cordial and knowledgeable at the facilities? 5. Should the facilities accessible to persons with disabilities? 6. What is a key aspect of visitor management?



7.7.3. Retell the text.

7.8. Fill in the gaps with words from a box.


  assistance; recreational facilities; risk managers; through safety inspections; procedures  





1. Injuries and fatalities can occur in even the best-managed … …, and the facility may be found liable in a court of law. 2. Large facilities employ … …, who arrange insurance coverage and develop comprehensive programs to prevent or reduce both personal injury and property or losses … … … , staff training, and the development of emergency … . 3. Smaller facilities can obtain similar … from the loss control department of their insurance company. 4. Systematic record keeping and reporting of incidents will help managers identify important trends in this area.


7.9. Translate the following into English.


1. Должность управляющего спортивными сооружениями можно найти в

разных сферах. 2. Такие специалисты нужны для работы, как в муниципальных, так и коммерческих структурах: аквацентрах, ледовых аренах, крытых стадионах, спортивных комплексах, площадках для гольфа и т.д. 3. С ростом числа фитнес-центров и оздоровительных клубов также растет потребность в таких менеджерах. 4. В сферу их компетенции входит забота о безопасности тех, кто пользуется этими спортивными сооружениями, соблюдение стандартов помещений и оборудования, требования санитарных норм, некоторые правовые аспекты. 5. Менеджеры также следят за тем, чтобы спортивное сооружение приносило прибыль, то есть они имеют дело с такими финансовыми аспектами как продажа билетов, концессии и парковка.



7.10. Give a talk on "Sport Facilities Management".



VIII. Text V



Sales of sporting goods - equipment, apparel, and shoes - in 1992 reached an all-time high of over $33 billion, and sales continue to rise. Approximately $11.6 billion of the 1992 total was spent on sporting equipment. One fast-growing segment of this market is the sale of exercise equipment, such as treadmills, cross-country ski machines, and home gyms; over $1.5 billion was spent on this equipment in 1992. Sport apparel sales exceeded $14 billion, and $7.4 billion was spent on athletic footwear in 1992. The public's growing interest in sport, fitness and physical activities has stimulated sales, and the traditional markets such as schools, colleges and universities, and professional teams have remained strong. Consequently, job opportunities in sport retailing, in both management and sales, have increased and will continue to grow.

The area of sport retailing has several opportunities. Jobs are available as salespersons selling directly to the consumer in sporting goods stores. Job opportunities also are available as manufacturer's representatives. An individual employed in this capacity, perhaps as a representative for Nike Shoes, may sell to buyers for sporting goods stores and to athletic teams in a certain region. Manufacturer's representatives are committed to increasing their company's share of the market. This position entails a great deal of travel. Hours may be spent on the phone setting up appointments with potential buyers and following up on sales calls. Whether a manufacturer's representative is successful depends to a great extent on the quality and reputation of the product he or she is selling and the establishment of personal contacts with buyers for these stores and institutions. Manufacturer's representatives may often submit bids for equipment and goods wanted by stores and institutions. Successful bidding requires that the salesperson be able to meet the buyer's specifications for the equipment and goods at the lowest cost. Manufacturer's representatives may also set up sales booths for their companies at conventions such as the AAHPERD National Convention. Other opportunities in sport sales include positions as manager or owner of a company.



8.1. Listen to the text "Sport Retailing ".



8.2. Read and translate the text.



8.3. Answer the questions.


1. Do the sales of sporting goods constantly increase? 2. Sale of what equipment

is fast-growing segment of this market? 3. How much was spent on sport apparel in 1992? 4. What stimulates sales? 5. What are the traditional markets for sporting goods sale? 6. In what areas have job opportunities increased? 7. How many opportunities does the area of sport retailing have? 8. What are they? 9. What does a salesperson deal with? 10. What are responsibilities of a manufacturer's representative? 11. What does this position entail? 12. What does a manufacturer's representative's success depend on? 13. What do manufacturer's representatives often submit? 14. What does a successful bidding require?



8.4. Find the English equivalents for:

розничная продажа спортивных товаров, владелец, удобная возможность, съезд, устанавливать кабинки/открывать киоски, по самой низкой цене, успешный торг, отвечать предъявляемым покупателем требованиям, проводить торги, продавец/коммивояжер, установление личных контактов, в большой степени зависит от, потенциальный покупатель, условиться о встрече, влечет за собой бесконечные разъезды, поручать/вверять, доля/участие, рынок, возможно, человек работающий в этом качестве, увеличение, следовательно, производитель, потребитель, обувь, тренажерное оборудование, магазин спортивных товаров, расти, спортивная одежда, приблизительно, спортивное оборудование, продавать, стимулировать, сохраняться, быть в наличии, превышать, быстрорастущий сектор, потребитель, с нанесением последующих торговых визитов



8.5. Act out a conversation.


- Hi, Jack!

- Hello, Sam. I haven't seen you for ages! Where have you been all this time?

- I have been on sales calls. You know I have been working for Adidas now.

- It's great. You likely earn a fortune!

- It depends ... .My income is based on commissions and bonuses for the sales I

have committed.

- Really? Does it vary from month to month?

- Yes. It may widely vary. But I have a company car and expense account. Besides I may receive free some equipment and goods or may purchase them at substantial discount.

- How well. I wish I were in your place!



8.6. Open the brackets and put the verbs into proper tense form.

1. Salaries for sales positions (vary) widely. 2. Salespersons {may, receive) a set salary. 3. More often, however, their income (be) based on commissions and bonuses for the sales they have completed, thus their income {may, vary) widely from month to month. 4. Salespersons who travel {may, receive) a company car or an allowance for the use of their personal car as well as an expense account. 5. Salespersons (may, receive) free equipment and goods or {be able) to purchase them at substantial discounts.


8.7. Ask questions to the words/phrases in italics.


1. Courses in business management and accounting are helpful for salespersons. 2. Being a salesperson requires strong interpersonal skills and the ability to identify individual's needs and" to sell them a product that meets their needs. 3. As the interest in sport, physical activities, and fitness continues to grow, opportunities for salespersons will expand as well.


8.8. Insert articles if it is necessary.


1. Being …salesperson requires that … individual be extremely knowledgeable about … products that he or she is selling. 2. … consumer in a sporting goods store often expects … salesperson to be … expert on all types of equipment. 3. Buyers for institutions and stores expect manufacturer's representatives to know all … specifications for … equipment and goods they are selling. 4. … background in physical education is helpful in understanding … demands and nature of various sport areas and … requirements for … equipment and goods for these kinds of sports.


8.9. Translate the following into English.


Торговля спортивными товарами – инвентарем, одеждой и обувью, значитель-

но возросла в последние годы. Это обусловлено растущим интересом общества к занятию физической деятельностью и спортом. Следовательно, занятость в сфере менеджмента и продаж увеличилась и продолжает расти.

Розничная торговля может предложить различные рабочие места. Например, работа коммивояжером (продавцом спортивных товаров в розницу) или представителем производителя спортивных товаров, а также менеджером или владельцем компании. Но в любой должности специалист должен обладать хорошей академической подготовкой в области физического воспитания и спорта, так как это необходимо для понимания характера различных сфер спорта с точки зрения требований к спортивному оборудованию и экипировке.


8.10. Give a talk on “Sport Retailing".


IX. Text VI



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