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Kyiv - 2012


Рассматриваемое учебное пособие рекомендуется для подготовки специалистов по спортивному менеджменту по программе профессионально-ориентированного обучения английскому языку студентов- магистрантов Национального университета физического воспитания и спорта Украины на основе владения основами нормативной грамматики и запаса общеупотребительной лексики в пределах 2000 – 2500 лексических единиц.

Настоящий материал рассчитан на 180 часов аудиторной и самостоятельной работы и представляет собой вариант изучения иностранного языка на текстовой базе оригинальной специальной литературы, а именно: американских вузовских учебников “Foundations of Physical Education and Sport”, Deborah A. Wuest, Ed.D., Charles A. Bucher, Ed. D. 1995, WCB McGraw-Hill, и “The Complete Guide to SPECIAL EVENT MANAGEMENT”, Business Insights, Financial Advice, and Successful Strategies from Ernst and Young, Advisors to the Olympics” by Dwight W. Catherwood and Richard L. Van Kirk, что предполагает работу не только над языковыми аспектами, но и способствует росту профессионального потенциала будущего специалиста, т.е., овладение иноязычной речью становится не только самоцелью, но и орудием для совершенствования необходимых профессиональных навыков.

Пособие состоит из следующих тематических разделов, расположенных в логической последовательности, предложенных авторами учебников:

1. Introduction into speciality

1.1. Managerial skills

1.2. Sport management careers

1.3. Management

1.4. Special events management

2. Sport careers in sport management

2.1. Professional considerations in sport management

2.2. Athletic administration

2.3. Director of intramural and/or campus recreation

2.4. Director of industrial recreation

2.5. Sport facilities management

2.6. Risk management

2.7. Sport retailing

2.8. Career opportunities in professional organizations

2.9. Recreation, leisure and the law

3. Understanding a special event management

3.1. A new page in the special events management

3.2. Getting started

3.3. Vision: a management tool

3.4. 10 keys to success

3.5. Assembling the team

3.6. Which communities should host events

4. Matching the event to the market

4.1. How to evaluate consumer needs and schedule the right event

4.2. The relationship between sales and the event’s success

4.3. The economic impact – competing for the prize

4.4. The value of special events

5. Preparing for the special event

5.1. How communities and promoters are selected

5.2. Four factors to consider when submitting a bid

5.3. The key to attracting an event

5.4. Merchandising: the winners and losers

5.5. Dealing with public sector

5.6. Setting up basic operations

5.7. Setting up security: a critical plan

5.8. The insurance factor

5.9. Handling the ticket sales

5.10. Check out the competitions


Помимо навыков понимания текстового материала при его чтении и

переводе, а также выполнения лексико-грамматических заданий, пособие ориентировано на развитие навыков устной речи с применением активных и интенсивных методов обучения на базе диалогов, построенных с использованием специальной терминологии, ситуативных и практических заданий для работы как индивидуально, так и в группе.

Каждая глава завершается комплексом контрольных заданий для оценки степени усвоения материала.




Старший преподаватель кафедры украинского и иностранных языков

Национальный университет физического воспитания и спорта Украины






The Blind Men and the Elephant  
    John Godfrey Saxe
It was six men of Indostan To learning much inclined, Who went to see the Elephant (Though all of them were blind), That each by observation Might satisfy his mind.   The First approached the Elephant, And happening to fall Against his broad and sturdy side, At once began to bawl: “God bless me! but the Elephant Is very like a wall!”
The Second, feeling of the tusk, Cried, “Ho! what have we here So very round and smooth and sharp? To me ‘tis mighty clear This wonder of an Elephant Is very like a spear!”     The Third approached the animal, And happening to take The squirming trunk within his hands, Thus boldly up and spake: “I see”, quoth he, “the Elephant Is very like a snake!”
The Fourth reached out an eager hand, And felt about the knee. “What most this woundrous beast is like Is mighty plain,” quoth he; “Tis clear enough the Elephant Is very like a tree!”   The Fifth who chanced to touch the ear, Said: “E’en the blindest man Can tell what this resembles most; Deny the fact who can, This marvel of an Elephant Is very like a fan!”
The Sixth no sooner had began About the beast to grope, Than, seizing on the swinging tail That fell within his scope, “I see,” quoth he, “the Elephant Is very like a rope!”   And so these men of Indostan Disputed loud and long, Each in his own opinion Exceeding stiff and strong, Though each was partly in the right, And all were in the wrong!
Moral   So oft in theologic wars, The disputants, I ween, Rail on in utter ignorance Of what each other mean, And prate about an Elephant Not one of them has seen
  The Blind Men and the Elephant        



There is enormous profit-oriented industry at work that is based on our need for sport, exercise and active leisure. The fuel for this industry comes from our desire to experience and purchase sporting, exercise, recreation and leisure products, and services.

Like the poem above, many of us see only the parts of the industry that directly relate to us and that we see neither the interrelatedness of the parts nor the whole. It is a hope that by reading and discussing the parts of the whole presented in this textbook, we will all arrive at a better understanding of our entire industry.





I. Listen, read, translate and learn the key words and phrases of the unit.


a) skill, source, ability, tool, budget, expenditure, effort, experience, requirement;

growth, expansion, media, broadcasting, marketability, retail, sale, opportunity, performer, owner, stakeholder, success, employee, customer, job, return, investment, supplier, trade, efficiency, effectiveness, output, input, image, key, community, environment, labor, treasure, description, definition, delivery, responsibility, facility, mission, course, project, quality, resource, enterprise


b) to acquire, to process, to interact, to need, to choose, to elect, to enhance, to gain, to attain, to aspire, to desire, to improve, to achieve, to benefit, to expand, to consider, to seek, to perform, to please, to reach, to conduct, to differ, to manage, to involve, to determine, to depend on, to succeed, to carry out, to require, to assure, to possess, to balance, to result in, to interpret


c) managerial, mental, complex, consequently, coupled, sportrelated, attractive,

satisfactory, efficient, competitive, suitable, responsible, interpersonal, primary, internal, external, middle, safe, competent, sound, thorough, useless, previous, local, proper, skilled, ineffective, commonly, total, conceptual


d) in order to; ahead, through, therefore, whenever, regarding, both … and; therefore, without, among, within


e) to make a decision; in orderly manner; within the limits; to pursue a career; to be in great demand; athletic director; director of intramural and campus recreation; director of industrial recreation; sport facilities manager; sport officiating; sport law; to attain a position; supporting areas; to provide services; to make profit; to get profit; to maintain the balance; conflicting demands; to assemble a team; cultural performances; legal matters; to bring together; to have little purpose; emerging area; in a variety of places; trade show; in the face-to-face manner; progress reports; financial statements; to delegate authorities


II. Listening comprehension text.


Managerial skills are certain skills that managers need in order to do their jobs effectively. These skills include conceptual, technical, administrative and human-relation skills.

Conceptual skills are the mental abilities, needed to acquire, analyze, and interpret information, received from various sources, and to make complex decisions. This is the ability to «see the big picture», to plan ahead.

Technical skills include the ability to use the knowledge, tools and techniques of a specific discipline or field. Every industry, every company and enterprise, and every job has its special technical requirements.

Administrative skills include the administrator's ability process paper work in an orderly manner and manage expenditures within the limits set by a budget.

Managers need a network of contacts and human relationships, because to achieve organizational goals a manager has to use the efforts of other people. Therefore, human-relation skills are very important skills for a manager. Human-relation skills are abilities to understand other people and to interact effectively with them.

Conceptual, technical, administrative and human-relation skills can be acquired through education and experience.

2.1. Listen to the text “Managerial Skills”.

2.2. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What are managerial skills? 2. What skills do they include? 3. What do conceptual skills include? 4. What does “to see the big picture” mean? 5. What do technical skills include? 6. What do administrative skills include? 7. What do human-relation skills include? 8. Why are they so important? 9. How can a person acquire these skills?


2.3. Find in the text English equivalents for following words and phrases.

расходы, планировать заранее, цель, поэтому, умственные способности, приобретать, мастерство менеджера, бюджет, организованно, истолковывать, сеть, усилие/старание, технические требования, осуществлять, сложные решения, источник, концептуальный, способность, умение ладить с людьми, посредством, взаимодействовать, в пределах, разный, видеть перспективу, инструмент/средство, работа с документами, правильно/регулярно/аккуратно, предприятие, технология, достигать, опыт, технические требования, для того, чтобы, понадобится, включать в себя

2.4. Complete the sentences with a logical ending.

1. Managerial skills are … A the mental abilities, needed to acquire, ana- lyze, and interpret information, received from various sources, and to make complex decisions.
2. These skills include … B the administrator's ability process paper work in an orderly manner and manage expenditures within the limits set by a budget.
3. Conceptual skills are … C a manager.
4. Human-relation skills are abilities …   D the efforts of other people.
5. Technical skills include … E education and experience.
6. Conceptual skills are the ability … F certain skills that managers need in order to do their jobs effectively.
7. Conceptual, technical, admi-nistrative and human-relation skills can be acquired through … G to «see the big picture», to plan ahead.  
8. To achieve organizational goals a manager has to use … H to understand other people and to interact effectively with them.
9. Human-relation skills are very important skills for … J the ability to use the knowledge, tools and techniques of a specific discipline or field.
10. Administrative skills include … I conceptual, technical, administrative and human-relation skills.


2.5. Act out the dialogue.


- What are managerial skills?
- Managerial skills are certain skills that managers need in order to do their jobs effectively.
- What skills do they include?
- These skills include conceptual, technical, administrative and human-relation skills.
- What do conceptual skills include?
- Conceptual skills are the mental abilities, needed to acquire, analyze, and interpret information, received from various sources, and to make complex decisions.
- What do technical skills include?
- Technical skills include the ability to use the knowledge, tools and techniques of a specific discipline or field.
- What do administrative skills include?
- Administrative skills include the administrator's ability process paper work in an orderly manner and manage expenditures within the limits set by a budget.
- What do human-relation skills include?
- Human-relation skills include contacts and human relationships and they are of a great use for a manager to understand other people and to interact effectively with them.
- Why are they so important?
- They are very important because in order to achieve organizational goals a manager has to use the efforts of other people.
- How can a person acquire these skills?
- A person can acquire conceptual, technical, administrative and human-relation skills through education and experience.

2.6. Please give your vision of managerial skills.

2.7. Retell the text “Managerial Skills”.


III. Oral topic



Sport has developed into a big business. Consequently, individuals trained in sport management are needed. Qualified professionals interested in sport management may pursue careers as athletic directors, directors of intramurals and campus recreation, directors of industrial recreation, and sport facilities managers. Individuals interested in retailing may choose a career in sport business management and sport sales. Managerial opportunities may also be found working for professional organizations.

The intensity of interest in sport in our society coupled with the growth of the communication media has resulted in the expansion of career opportunities in the field of sport media. Individuals interested in this area can pursue careers in sport broadcasting, sportswriting, sports journalism, sport photography, and sports information.

Talented individuals may elect to pursue careers as performers. Other sport-related careers that may be attractive to qualified individuals are sport officiating and sport law.

Physical educators can use many strategies to enhance their professional marketability. Taking course work in supporting areas and gaining practical experience will help individuals in attaining the position that they desire after graduation.


3.1. Listen to the text of the oral topic “Sport Management Careers”.

3.2. Read and translate the text.

3.3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and phrases.


специалисты в области физического воспитания; выбирать; расширение / распространение; привлекательный; стремиться к карьере; розничная торговля; занимать должность; рост; следовательно; приобретение практического опыта, возможности трудоустройства; средства массовой информации; привести к; в купе с; лица, заинтересованные в этой сфере; спортивное вещание; директор по спорту; развиваться / превращаться; лица, подготовленные по спортивному менеджменту; директор по рекреации в учебное и вне учебное время; прохождение теоретического курса дисциплин в профилирующих областях; менеджер спортсооружений; торговля спортивными товарами; желать; исполнитель; спортивное право; находить; директор рекреации на производстве; выбирать карьеру; спортивное администрирование; профессиональная рыночная стоимость; окончание высшего учебного заведения.


3.4. Answer the questions to the text.

1. Has sport developed into a big or small business? 2. What are the consequences of this process? 3. What kind of careers may qualified specialists interested in sport management pursue? 4. Which of the careers would you like to pursue? 5. What managerial opportunities exist for those interested in retailing? 6. Is it possible to work for professional organizations? 7. What has resulted in the expansion of career opportunities in the field of sport media? 8. What jobs are available in the field of sport media? 9. What kind of individuals may elect careers as performers? 10. Qualified individuals are sport officiating and sport law, aren’t they? 11. Should physical educators strive for enhancing their professional marketability? 12. What can help individuals in attaining the position that they desire after graduation?



3.5. Replace the italic words with those similar from the text.

1. Sport has become a big business. 2. Individuals trained in sport management are in great demand 3. Qualified professionals interested in sport management may aspire to various careers. 4. Individuals interested in retailing may take a career in sport business management and sport sales. 5. The intensity of interest in sport in our society has brought to the expansion of career opportunities in the field of sport media. 6. Gifted persons may elect to pursue careers as performers. 7. Physical educators can use many strategies to improve their professional marketability. 8. Taking course work and gaining practical experience will be useful for the individuals in attaining the position that they desire after graduation.


3.6. Complete the sentences with logical ending.


1. Sport has developed into … . 2. Individuals … are needed. 3. Qualified professionals interested in sport management may pursue careers as … . 4. Individuals interested in retailing may choose a career in … ..5. Managerial opportunities may also be found working for … . 6. The intensity of interest in sport in our society coupled with the growth of the communication media has resulted in … . 7. Individuals interested in this area can pursue careers in … . 8. Talented individuals may elect to pursue careers as … . 9. Other sport-related careers that may be attractive to qualified individuals are … . 10. Physical educators can use many strategies to enhance … . 11. Taking course work in supporting areas and gaining practical experience will help individuals in … .


3.7. Act out the dialogue.



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