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Урок 2

Е. Словарь (к диалогам)

dialogue [ʹdaɪlɔɡ] п диалог, беседа

hello [he↘lou] здравствуйте

Mr (сокр. от mister [ʹmɪstə]) м-р, мистер, г-н, господин. This is ʹMr ʹBrown. Познакомьтесь, это г-н Браун.

How do you do. [ʹhau dju: ↘du:] Здравствуйте. (употребляется при представлении)

diplomat [ʹdɪpləmæt] n дипломат

day [deɪ] n день

today [təʹdeɪ] adv сегодня. It’s a nice day today, isn’t it? [ɪts ə ʹnaɪs ʹdeɪ tə↘deɪ, ↗ɪznt ɪt] Сегодня хороший день. He так ли?

friend [frend] n друг

from [frəm] из; be from быть из; He is from Kiev. [hɪz frəm ↘Kɪev] Он из Киева.

cold [kould] а холодный. It’s a ʹcold ʹday to↘day, ↗isn’t it? Сегодня холодный день, не так ли?

F. Dialogues

Mr Brown: He↘llo, ʹMr ↗Smith. ʹThis is ʹMr Pet↘rov.

Mr Smith: ʹHow do you ↘ do(1).

Petrov: ʹHow do you ↘do.

Mr Brown: ʹMr Petʹrov is a ↘diplomat.

Mr Smith: He↘llo.

Petrov: He↘llo. It’s a ʹnice ʹday to↘day, ↗isn’t it?

Mr Smith: ʹYes, it ↘is.


Bill: He↘llo, ↗Dick, ʹThis is my ʹfriend ʹTim ↘Glebov.

Dick: ʹHow do you ↘do.

Tim: ʹHow do you ↘do.

Bill: ʹTim’s from ↘ Kiev.

Tim: He↘llo.

Dick: He↘llo. ʹIt’s a ʹcold ʹday to↘day, ↗isn’t it?

Tim: ʹYes, it ↘is.


Урок 3

Е. Vocabulary (Dialogues)

meet [mi:t] v знакомиться с (кем- л); ʹMeet (my friend) Mr ↘Brown. Познакомьтесь с (моим другом) г-ном Брауном.

British [ʹbrɪtɪʃ] а британский, английский

businessman [ʹbɪznɪsmən] n бизнесмен, делец, коммерсант

How are you? [ʹhau ↘ɑ: ju:] Как вы себя чувствуете?

fine [faɪn] а прекрасный, хороший; I’m ↘fine. Я хорошо себя чувствую.

thank [θæŋk] v благодарить; ↘thank you благодарю, спасибо

Andyou? (And ʹhow are ↘you?) А как вы себя чувствуете?

Sorry. (I’m ↘sorry.) Простите. Извините. (обычно употребляется после совершенного проступка)

That’s all right [ʹðæts ɔ: ↘raɪt] Ничего (все в порядке). (употребляется в ответ на извинение)

excuse [ɪksʹkjuɪz] v извинять, прощать; Ex↘cuse ↗me. Простите, извините. (обычно употребляется, чтобы привлечь внимание, когда прерывают разговор и т. д.)

goodbye[ɡud ↗baɪ] (разг. [ɡə ↗baɪ]) до свидания

bye [↗baɪ], bye-bye [baɪ↗baɪ] разг. до свидания, пока

Норе to see you soon. [ʹhoup tə ↘si: ju: sum] Надеюсь скоро увидеться с вами.

F. Dialogues

Mr Brown: Heʹllo, Mr Pet↘rov. ʹMeet (my ʹfriend) Mr ↘Smith.

Petrov: ʹHow do you ↘do.

Mr Smith: ʹHow do you ↘do.

Mr Brown: ʹMr ʹSmith is a ʹBritish ↘businessman.

Ben: He↘llo.

Peter: He↘llo. How ↘are you?

Ben: I’m ↘fine, ↘thank you. And ↘you?

Peter: I’m ʹfine ↗too. It’s a ʹnice ↘day today, ↗isn’t it? Ben: Yes, it ↘is.

Student: ↘Sorry, I’m ↘late.

Teacher: ↘That’s all ↗right.

Ben: Ex↘cuse ↗me. ʹIs this ↗your textbook?

Peter: ʹNo, it ↘isn’t. That is my ↗textbook.

Bill: Good ↗bye.

Peter: ↗Bye. ʹHope to ↘see you soon.


Урок 4

Е. Vocabulary (Dialogues)

where [wɛə] adv где, куда; Where is Jane? Where are you going on Saturday? Куда вы едете в субботу?

garden [ʹɡɑ:dn] п сад; in the garden в саду

with [wɪð] prep c; to play chess with играть в шахматы c; Jane is playing chess with Peter.

her [hə:] ее (притяжат. местоим.); Her son is a teacher,

sitting-room [ʹsɪtɪŋrum] n гостиная. Is Jane in the sitting-room?

Sunday [ʹsʌndɪ] n воскресенье; on Sundayв воскресенье

take smb. to отвезти (отвести, повести) кого-л. куда-л. "Where are you going to take your children on Sunday?" "I am going to take them to the Zoo."

the Zoo [zu:] n зоопарк

theatre [ʹθɪətə] n театр; to go to the theatre пойти в театр; Are you going to the theatre on Sunday?

be well быть здоровым, хорошо себя чувствовать; "How are you?" "I’m well, thank you." Спасибо, я хорошо себя чувствую. "Very well, thank you." Благодарю, я очень хорошо себя чувствую.

weekend [ʹwi:kend] п конец недели (суббота и воскресенье); Have а nice weekend. Желаю хорошо провести выходные дни. The same to you. Желаю вам того же.

F. Dialogues 1

Peter: It’s a ʹnice ↘day today, ↗isn’t it?

George: ʹYes, it ↘is. Ex↘cuse ↗me, ʹwhere’s ↘Jane? Peter: She’s in the ↘garden. She’s ʹplaying with her ↘dog.

George: ʹWhere are ʹTom and ↘David?

Peter: They are in the ↘sitting-room. They’re ʹplaying chess. Your ʹDavid is a ʹvery ʹnice ↘boy.

George: Your ʹTorn is a ↘very nice boy, ↘too.

George: ʹWhat are you ʹgoing to ʹdo on ↘Sunday?

Peter: I’m ʹgoing to ʹtake ʹJane to the ↘Zoo. ʹAre you ʹgoing to the ʹZoo ↗too?

George: ↘No, I’m ʹgoing to ʹtake ʹAmy to the ↘theatre.

Petrov: Good ↗morning. How ↘ae you?

Mr Brown: I’m ↘fine, ↗ thank you. And ↗you?

P.: ʹVery ↘well. ↗Thank you.

Mr B.: Good ↗bye. Have a nice ↘weekend.

P.: ↘Thank you. The ʹsame to ↘you.


Урок 5

Е. Vocabulary (Dialogues)

That’ll do. [ʹðætl ↘du:] Достаточно, довольно.

Shall I read text 5? [ʹʃæl aɪ ʹri:d ʹtekst ↗faɪv] Должен ли я читать 5-й текст? Читать ли мне 5-й текст?

repeat [rɪʹpi:t] v повторять

sentence [ʹsentəns] n предложение; Repeat this sentence, please.

after [ʹɑ:ftə] prep 1. за (указывает на следование по порядку или по важности); Repeat this sentence after me; 2. после (во временном значении указывает на последовательную смену явлений); after classes после занятий

be over [ʹouvə] окончиться, завершиться; The lesson is over. Урок окончен.

class [klɑ:s] n занятие; an English [ʹɪŋɡlɪʃ] (French) class занятие по английскому (французскому) языку; They are having an English class now. Are Nick and Paul going to play chess after classes? Собираются ли Ник и Пол сыграть в шахматы после занятий?

busy [ʹbɪzɪ] а занятый; to be busy быть занятым; Are you busy tonight? Вы сегодня вечером заняты? (намечено ли у вас что-нибудь на сегодняшний вечер)? to be busy with smth. быть занятым чем-л.

help [help] а помогать; Help me, please; to help smb. with smth. помочь кому-л. в чем-л.; John’s sister is going to help him with his French. Сестра Джона собирается помочь ему в его занятиях французским языком.

F. Dialogues

Inthe Classroom

Teacher: ↘Peter, ʹread the ↘text, ↗please.

Peter: ʹShall I ʹread ʹtext ↗5?

Teacher: ↘Yes, please... . ʹThat’ll ↘do. Reʹpeat this ʹsentence after ↘me, ↗please. It’s all ↘right now.

Tearher: ↘John, ʹgo to the ↗blackboard and ʹwrite the ↘sentence, please, "The ʹBrowns are ʹgoing to have ʹguests on ↘Sunday."

John: Ex↘cuse ↗me. Re↘peat the sentence, ↗please.

Teacher: The ʹlesson is ↘over. Good↗bye. Have a ʹnice ↘weekend.

Students: ↘Thank you. The ʹsame to ↘you. Good↗bye.

After Classes

Peter: ʹAre you ↗busy tonight?

John: ↘Yes, I’m ʹgoing to ʹsee my ʹuncle ↘James.

Peter: ʹIs he ↗ill?

John: ↘No, he ↘isn’t. He is ʹgoing to ʹhelp me with my ↘English.

Peter: ʹIs he an ʹEnglish ↗teacher?

John: ʹYes, he ↘is.

Bill: ʹHave you ʹgot the ʹnew ʹEnglish ↗textbook?

Nick: ʹYes, I ↘have. It’s a ʹvery ↘good textbook. ʹWhen are you ʹgoing to ʹplay ʹchess with ↘Tom?

Bill: ʹAfter ʹclasses to↘morrow.


Урок 6

E. Vocabulary (Dialogues)

translate [trænsʹleɪt] v переводить (что-л.); Shall I translate the new text? Мне перевести новый текст? to translate smth. from ...

into [ʹɪntə] переводить что-л. с одного языка на другой; Peter is translating the new text from English into Russian now.

Russian [ʹrʌʃn] n русский язык

take down [ʹteɪk ʹdaun] v записывать; Take down these sentences.

homework [ʹhoumwə:k] n домашнее задание; Take down your homework, please.

learn [lə:n] v учить изучать (что- л.); Ben is going to learn French.

word [wə:d] n слово; Learn the new words, please.

do [du:] v делать, выполнять; to do one’s work (homework, exercises); Do exercise 3 on page 15.

street [stri:t] n улица; in the street на улице

bus [bʌs] n автобус

Hurry up! [ʹhʌrɪ ↗ʌp] Скорее! (Поторопитесь!)

busstop [ʹbʌsstɔp] n остановка автобуса; Where’s the busstop?

nearby [ʹnɪəbaɪ] adv поблизости, рядом

corner [ʹkɔ:nə:] n угол

round [raund] prep разг. около (указывает на нахождение по соседству, рядом, в окрестностях); round the corner за углом; There is a busstop round the corner.

What day is it today? Какой сегодня день недели?

week [wi:k] n неделя

What time is it? Который час?

watch [wɔtʃ] n часы (наручные, карманные); She has a very nice watch. У нее очень красивые часы; What time is it by your watch? Который час по вашим часам?

fast [fɑ:st] а быстрый скорый; Му watch is fast. Мои часы спешат.

slow [slou] а медленный; Му watch is slow. Мои часы отстают.

Days of the week

Monday [ʹmʌndɪ] понедельник

Tuesday [ʹtju:zdɪ] вторник

Wednesday [ʹwenzdɪ] среда

Thursday [ʹθə:zdɪ] четверг

Friday [ʹfraɪdɪ] пятница

Saturday [ʹsætədɪ] суббота

Sunday [ʹsʌndɪ] воскресенье

F. Dialogues

In the Classroom

Teacher: ʹPeter and ↘John, read the ↘dialogues, ↗please. ... ↘That’ll ↗do.

Student: Shall we trans↗late the dialogues?

Teacher: ↘Yes, ↗please.

Teacher: ʹPlease, reʹpeat these ʹwords ↘after me: "↗ban, ↗can, ↗tank, ↘thank."

Student: "↗Ban, ↗can, ↗tank, ↘thank." ʹIs it all ↗right now?

T: ↘Yes. ʹTake ʹdown your ↘homework. ʹLearn the ʹnew ↗words and ʹread the ↘dialogues. ↘Do ʹexercises ↗1 and ↘2. The ʹlesson is ↘over. ʹGood ↗bye.

Students: ʹGood ↗bye.

In the Street

John: Good ↘evening. How ↘are you?

Peter: Good ↘evening. ↘Fine, ↘thank ↗you. And ʹhow are ↗you?

John: ʹVery ↘well, ↘thank you. And, ʹwhat about your ↗wife?

Peter: She’s ʹfine ↘too. ↘Oh, ↘there’s your ↗bus(1). ʹHurry ↗up. Bue-↗bye.

John: ↗Bye.

A: Ex↘cuse ↗me. ʹIs there a ↗busstop nearby?

B: ↘Yes. It’s ʹround the ↘corner.

А: ↘Thank you.

А: ʹWhat ↘day is it today?

B: It’s ↘Monday.

A: What time is it by your watch?

B: I’m afraid, my watch is fast. It’s twenty-five minutes to twelve.

A: Nick, and what time is it by your watch?

N: My watch is slow. It’s twenty minutes past eleven.


(1) Oh, there’s your bus. Вот ваш автобус.


Основной курс

Урок 8

Conversations: A. Introductions. B. Greetings and Asking about Health. C. In the Canteen.

Learn these words and word combinations

introduction [͵ɪntrəʹdʌkʃn] n (официальное) представление, знакомство

introduce [͵ɪntrəʹdju:s] v представлять, знакомить; Mr Ktorov, I’d like to introduce Mr Black to you.

Russian [ʹrʌʃn] а русский

quite [kwaɪt] adv совсем, совершенно; That house is quite new. I don’t quite know. Я точно не знаю, я не совсем уверен.

feel v (+ predic.) чувствовать себя; to feel well чувствовать себя хорошо; I’m not feeling very well today; to feel cold; I feel cold. Мне холодно.

well а здоровый; Are you well? Вы хорошо себя чувствуете?

really [ʹrɪəlɪ] (в грам. знач. междометие) разг. Правда? Вот как? Вот что!

cold п простуда, насморк; катар верхних дыхательных путей (острое респираторное заболевание); to catch (a) cold простудиться; I’m afraid I’m catching a cold; to have a cold быть простуженным; Jane has a cold.

too adv слишком That’s too bad. Очень плохо. Дело плохо. How are you? Not too well. Я не очень хорошо себя чувствую. (Не очень хорошо.)

hear [hɪə] v слышать, услышать; I can hear you very well. Я хорошо вас слышу. I’m sorry to hear that. Жаль (слышать это). Do you hear me?

salad [ʹsæləd] n салат; Would you like some salad?

ice-cream n мороженое; I’d like some ice-cream.

apple-pie [ʹæplpaɪ] яблочный пирог; I’d like a cup of tea and some apple-pie.

pass [pɑ:s] v передавать; Pass her the letter, please.

salt [sɔ:lt] n (неисчисл.) соль; Pass him the salt, please.

Here you are. [↘hɪə ju ↘ɑ:] Вот, пожалуйста. Вот то, что вам нужно.

bread [bred] п (неисчисл.) хлеб; rye [raɪ] (black) bread ржаной хлеб; Pass me the rye bread, please.

Not at all. [ʹnɔt ət ↘ɔ:l] He за что! Пожалуйста. (в ответ на благодарность)


Mr Holt: Good morning, Mr Morris. This is Mr Bobrov.

Bobrov: How do you do.

Mr Morris: How do you do.

Mr Holt: Mr Bobrov is from Russia(1).

Mr Black: Good evening, Mr Norris. Meet Mr Popov.

Mr Norris: How do you do.

Popov: How do you do.

Mr Black: Mr Popov is from Moscow.

Mr White: Mrs Norris, I’d like to introduce my Russian friend Mr Ktorov.

Mrs Norris: How do you do.

Ktorov: How do you do.

Mrs Norris: How do you like London?

Ktorov: It’s quite different from what I expected(2).


Mr Green: Hello.

Bobrov: Hello. How are you?

Mr Green: I’m not feeling very well.

Bobrov: Really? What’s the trouble?(4)

Mr Green: I’m afraid I’m catching a cold.

Mr Norris: Hello. How are you?

Bobrov: Fine, thank you. And what about you?

Mr Norris: Not too well, I afraid.

Bobrov: I’m sorry to hear that.




A: I’d like some salad, steak, and a cup of coffee for lunch. And what about you?

B: I’d like roastbeef and some ice-cream.

A: Would you like some apple-pie?

B: Yes, please.


A: Excuse me, pass me the butter and the salt, please.

B: Here you are. Pass me the rye bread, please.

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.

A: Not at all.


(1) Mr Bobrov is from Russia.

При представлении, как правило, сообщаются некоторые сведения о представляемом.

(2) It’s quite [kwaɪt] different [ʹdɪfrənt] from what I expected [ɪksʹpektɪd].

Очень отличается от того, что я ожидал.

(3) Greeting and Asking about Health: reeting [ʹɡri:tɪŋz] приветствия;

to ask about health [helθ] справиться о здоровье.

(4) What’s the trouble [ʹtrʌbl]?

Что вас беспокоит (тревожит)?


Урок 10

Conversations: A. Shopping. B. Congratulations. C. Saying goodbye.

Learn these words and word combinations

shop-assistant [ʹʃɔpə͵sɪstənt] n продавец, продавщица

customer [ʹkʌstəmə] n покупатель, заказчик

navy blue [ʹneɪvɪʹblu:] а темно-синий

raincoat [ʹreɪkout] n плащ

coat [kout] n пальто

size [saɪz] n размер; What’s your size? Какой у вас размер?

try on [ʹtraɪ ʹɔn] v примерять; Can I try on those brown shoes?

pay [peɪ] v платить; Where must I pay?

cashier’s [kəʹʃɪəz] desk касса; Please pay at cashier’s desk.

bookshop [ʹbukʃɔp] n книжный магазин

help v помогать, оказывать помощь; to help smb. do smth. помочь кому-л. сделать что-л.; I can help you translate the text. Can I help you? Чем могу быть полезен? Помочь вам?

street-guide [ʹstri:tɡaɪd] п путеводитель; a (street-) guide to London путеводитель по Лондону; I’m looking for a guide to Moscow.

altogether [͵ɔ:ltəʹɡeðə] adv всего; How much is it altogether? Сколько всего это стоит? change [tʃeɪnʤ] n сдача; Here is your change.

It’s a pleasure [ʹpleʒə]. Это для меня удовольствие. (=Пожалуйста.)

congratulations [kən͵ɡrætjuʹleɪʃnz] п pl. поздравления

Many happy [ʹhæpɪ] returns [rɪʹtə:nz] of the day. С днем рождения.

happy [ʹhæpɪ] а счастливый; I’m happy to hear that. Рад слышать это. Happy birthday. Поздравляю с днем рождения.

collect [kəʹlekt] v собирать, коллекционировать; Does Jane collect guides to cities?

stamp [stæmp] n (почтовая) марка

think [θɪŋk] v думать, полагать, считать, предполагать; I think Peter can help John. I think so. (Я) думаю, что это так. (Думаю, что да.) I don’t think so. Я этого не думаю. I don’t think he collects stamps. Думаю (полагаю), что он не собирает марки. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Обратите внимание на место отрицания в русском и английском предложениях.

wonderful [ʹwʌndəfl] а замечательный, чудесный; Old Tallinn [ʹtɑ:lɪn] is wonderful.

say [seɪ] v говорить, сказать; to say to smb. сказать кому-л.; He can say that to George; to say goodbye to smb. попрощаться c (кем-л.); I’d like to say goodbye to you. I’m leaving for home tomorrow.

well int ну! ну вот, ладно (в отдельных случаях не переводится); Well, I can do it today. Ну что же, я могу сделать это сегодня.

so [sou] adv 1. так, до такой степени, столь; столько, так много (указывает на степень качества или на большое количество); Must you go so soon? It takes so much time. На это уходит так много времени; 2. (именно) так, таким образом; I’m afraid so. Боюсь, что это именно так. How are you getting on? Как вы поживаете?

by the way [weɪ] между прочим; By the way, would you like some apple-pie?

class [klɑ:s] n занятие, занятия, курс обучения; an English (a French) class занятия по английскому (французскому) языку; I have an English class on Tuesday and Friday.

in prep через; I’m having an English class in an hour. У меня через час занятие по английскому языку.

See you later. Увидимся позже.

See you soon. Скоро увидимся.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. See you later, See you soon употребляются, когда речь идет о встрече в тот же день.

fly v летать (на самолете); I’m going to fly to London on Thursday.

then adv в таком случае, тогда; Goodbye then. В таком случае (тогда) до свидания; Then why are you leaving? Зачем же тогда вы уходите?


Shop-assistant: Are you being served?(1)

Customer: No. I’m looking for a navy blue raincoat, size 44.

Shop-assistant: How do you like this raincoat?

Customer: Well, I like it. How much is it?

Shop-assistant: £ 55.99 p.(2)

Customer: Where must I pay?

Shop-assistant: At the cashier’s desk over there.

* * *

Shop-assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. How much is this street-guide to London?

Shop-assistant: It’s 99 p.

Customer: I’d like two guides, please. How much is it altogether?

Shop-assistant: £ 1.98 p. Here’s your change; £ 3.02 p.

Customer: Thank you.

Shop-assistant: It’s a pleasure.


Peter: Hello, John. Many happy returns of the day.

Dick: Happy birthday, John. We know you’re collecting stamps. Here are a few foreign stamps. I don’t think you have them.

John: Oh, thank you very much. They’re wonderful.



Mr Brown: Well, I’m afraid I must be going.(3)

John: Oh, must you go so soon?

Mr Brown: I’m afraid so. My mother isn’t very well.

John: I’m sorry to hear that. Please, give her my best regards.(4)

Mr Brown: Thank you. Goodbye.

John: Goodbye.


Michael: Hello, Jill. How are you getting on?

Jill: Fine, thanks. And how’re you?

Michael: I’m fine too. By the way I’m having a French class in half an hour. Goodbye. See you later.

Jill: See you soon.


Ivanov: I’d like to say goodbye to you.

Mr Green: When are you leaving?

Ivanov: I’m flying home on Saturday.

Mr Green: Goodbye then, and all the very best.(5)


(1) Are you being served [sə:vd]? Вас обслуживают? (Вас кто-нибудь обслуживает?) Использована форма Present Continuous Passive.

(2) £ 55.99 p = fifty-five pounds ninety-nine pence пятьдесят пять фунтов и девяносто девять пенсов.

(3) I must be going. Я должен идти. Мне нужно уходить.

(4) give her my best regards [rɪʹɡɑ:dz] Передайте ей мои наилучшие пожелания (привет от меня).

(5) all the very best всего наилучшего


Урок 12

Conversations: A. At a Reception. B. After a Visit to London. C. A Cup of Tea.

Learn these words and word combinations

reception [rɪʹsepʃn] n прием; Could you go tomorrow’s reception?

arrive [əʹraɪv] v прибывать; to arrive in Moscow (London, Russia, etc.) прибывать в Москву (Лондон, Россию и т. д.); The French Foreign Minister [mɪnɪstə] arrived in London yesterday; to arrive at an airport (a station, a small town); When did they arrive at Vnukovo Airport?

here [hɪə] adv здесь, сюда; I live here. Put it here, please.

only [ʹounlɪ] adv только; He arrived in Moscow only yesterday. Only she knows. Только она одна знает.

professor [prəʹfesə] n профессор

country [ʹkʌntrɪ] n страна; Russia is a very large country.

colleague [ʹkɔ:li:ɡ] n коллега, сотрудник, сотрудница with pleasure с удовольствием

free [fri:] а свободный, не занятый делом (о людях); Are you free tonight? Could we go out?

between [bɪʹtwi:n] prep между (промежуток времени между какими-л. двумя моментами); Could you come between eleven and twelve in the morning?

suit [sju:t] v удовлетворять требованиям, быть удобным, устраивать; to suit smb. удовлетворять, устраивать кого-л.; Does

this time suit you? Это время устраивает вас (подходит для вас)?

perfectly [ʹpə:fɪktlɪ] adv совершенно, вполне; It suits me perfectly.

visit [ʹvɪzɪt] n визит; to be (to go) on a visit to Great Britain, (Moscow etc.) находиться (поехать) с визитом в Великобритании (Москве и т. д.); А Foreign Minister is on a visit to Great Britain now.

call smb. up [ʹkɔ:l ʹʌp] v звонить кому-л. по телефону; Could you call me up tomorrow morning?

answer [ʹɑ:nsə] n ответ

long [lɔŋ] adv долго, длительно; How long were you there? Сколько времени вы пробыли там?

stay [steɪ] v останавливаться, гостить; How long did he stay there? He stayed there for ten days. Он пробыл (погостил) там десять дней.

exam [ɪɡʹzæm] п сокр. отexamination [ɪɡ͵zæmɪʹneɪʃn] экзамен; an exam (examination) in mathematics (English, etc.) экзамен по математике (английскому языку и т. п.); to take an examination сдавать экзамен; When are you going to take an examination in geography?; to fail an examination провалиться на экзамене; Jane failed the geography examination yesterday. How are your exams going? Как дела с экзаменами?

the best of luck Желаю (вам) удачи! Счастливо!

sugar [ʹʃuɡə] n сахар; a lump of sugar кусок сахара


Volkov: Mr Shastri, this is Mr Ivanov, a Moscow teacher. He arrived here only the day before yesterday. Mr Ivanov, this is Mr Shastri, a professor from India.

Ivanov: How do you do, Mr Shastri.

Mr Shastri: How do you do. It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?

Ivanov: Yes, it’s a very nice day. How do you like it here?

Mr Shastri: It is a very interesting country.

Ivanov: By the way, could you introduce me to some of your colleagues, Mr Shastri?

Mr Shastri: With pleasure.

Ivanov: When can I see you?

Mr Shastri: I’m free between ten and eleven tomorrow. Does that suit you?

Ivanov: Perfectly.


A: Where were you last week? I called you up but there was no answer.

В: I was in London.

A: How long were you there?

B: I stayed there for ten days and came back last night. By the way, I met George Volkov there and we went to the theatre together.

A: What did you see?

B: Othello [əʹθelou] at Covent Garden.(1)


Jane: Would you like a cup of tea?

Mary: Only, if it’s not too much trouble.(2)

Jane: How do you like it?

Mary: A little milk and no sugar.


(1) Covent [ʹkɔvənt] Garden or Covent Garden Royal [ʹrɔɪ(ə)l] Opera [ʹɔprə] House "Ковент-Гарден" (название королевского оперного театра).

(2) if it’s not too much trouble если это вас не очень затруднит


Урок 14

Conversations: A. Talk on Theatre and Cinema. B. Invitations. C. Tea Party.

Learn these words and word combinations

TV; to see smth. on TV смотреть (видеть) что-л. по телевизору; I saw a very interesting film on TV last night.

play [pleɪ] n пьеса

enjoy every minute of it получить огромное удовольствие; "How did you like the play?" "We enjoyed every minute of it."

part [pɑ:t] n роль; to play the part of играть роль (кого-л.); Who played the part of Othello?

the leading [ʹli:dɪŋ] part главная роль; Who plays the leading part in the film?

brilliantly [ʹbrɪljəntlɪ] adv блестяще, великолепно; He plays the part of Hamlet brilliantly.

be based [beɪst] on основываться на; The film is based on Dostoyevski’s novel "The Brothers Karamazov".

documentary [͵dɔkjuʹmentrɪ] а документальный; documentary film документальный фильм;

documentary material [məʹtɪərɪəl] документальный материал; His last book is based on documentary material.

believe [bɪʹli:v] v верить; Do you believe him?

true [tru:] а верный, правильный, истинный; Is the news true? It is true to life. Это жизненно достоверно (правдиво).

repeat [rɪʹpi:t] v повторять; Repeat after me, please. Повторяйте за мной, пожалуйста. They are going to repeat that programme tomorrow.

musical [ʹmju:zɪkl] n мюзикл, музыкальная комедия

local [ʹloukl] а местный; the local cinema местный (недалеко расположенный от дома) кинотеатр; What’s on at the local cinema (at our local)?

book v заказывать; to book seats заказывать места (билеты); to book tickets [ʹtɪkɪts] for the theatre (concert, cinema, etc.) заказывать билеты в театр (на концерт, в кинотеатр)

screen version [ʹvə:ʃn] экранизация; This film is a screen version of Turgenev’s novel.

famous [ʹfeɪməs] а знаменитый, известный

playwright [ʹpleɪraɪt] n драматург

near [nɪə] prep недалеко от, около; He lives near University Underground Station. actress [ʹæktrɪs] n актриса

show n 1. сеанс (в кино); When does the show start at our local? 2. шоу, представление (в цирке, по телевидению, радио и т. п.); Have you seen any good shows lately? Видели ли вы за последнее время что-нибудь интересное (в театре, цирке и т. п.)?

everyone [ʹevrɪwʌn] pron все, каждый (употр. с глаголом в ед. ч.); Everyone is here. Все здесь.

flop [flɔр] п провал, фиаско, неудача; complete [kəmʹpli:t] flop полный провал; The play was a complete flop. Пьеса с треском провалилась.

concert [ʹkɔnsət] n концерт

meet (met) v встречать; to meet smb. встречать кого-л., встречаться с кем-л.; She met one of her old friends in Moscow.

drive [draɪv] n прогулка, поездка; to go for a drive поехать покататься (на машине); We are going for a drive after lunch. in the country за городом; в сельской местности; They live in the country. Let’s go for a drive in the country.

pick up v заезжать (за кем-л.), заходить (за кем-л.); Could you pick me up at two o’clock?

be able to мочь, быть в состоянии; Are you able to come?

fire [ʹfaɪə] n камин

cosy [ʹkouzɪ] а уютный; This is a very cosy room.

piece [pi:s] n кусок, кусочек; a piece of meat (bread, apple-pie, cake, etc.) but a lump of sugar


A: Would you like to come to the cinema tonight?

B: I’d love to. What’s on?(1)

A: They’re showing(2) the musical "My Fair Lady"(3) at our local. I’ve booked two seats.

B: Isn’t the film a screen version of "Pygmalion", a play by Bernard Shaw, the famous English playwright?

A: Yes, it is. By the way, Audrey Hepburn plays the leading part. She’s my favourite actress. Let’s meet near the cinema at 6.15. The show starts at 6.30.

B: Fine. See you later.

A: See you soon.

Mary: John, we’re going to the show tonight. I’ve booked two seats.

John: Peter Smith went there last night and he didn’t like it.

Mary: I don’t care about Peter’s opinion. (4)

John: Well, everyone says the show’s a complete flop. There were only a few people there last night.

Mary: What a pity! (5)


George: Would you like to come to a concert with me tomorrow afternoon?

Alice: I’d love to. Thank you very much.

George: Fine. Let’s meet here about one o’clock.

Alice: Good. See you tomorrow.

George: Goodbye.

Michael: Why don’t we go for a drive in the country today?

Ann: That would be very nice. Thank you.

Michael: I can pick you up at II o’clock.

Ann: Good. See you soon.

Michael: Bye.


(The Browns invited the Ivanovs to tea.)

Mrs Brown: I’m so glad you were able to come.

Ivanova: It’s very kind of you to invite us.

Ivanov: Yes. This is the first time we’re in an English home.

Mrs Brown: Please, make yourselves comfortable. (6) Sit here in this armchair, Mrs Ivanov. It’s near the fire.

Ivanova: I must say this is a very cosy room.

Mrs Brown: Yes, I like it too. Now, Mrs Ivanov, do you take milk and sugar in your tea? (7)

Ivanova: Yes, please. Two lumps.

Mrs Brown: How about a piece of cake?

Ivanova: Yes, please.

Mrs Brown: And how do you like your tea, Mr Ivanov?

Ivanov: Not too much milk and two lumps, please.


(1) What’s on? Что идет? (в кино, в театре)

(2) They’re showing... Там идет...

(3) the musical "Му Fair Lady" музыкальная кинокомедия «Моя прекрасная леди».

(4) I don’t care [kɛə] about Peter’s opinion [əʹpɪnjən]. Меня не интересует мнение Питера.

(5) What a pity [ʹpɪtɪ]! Как жаль! Как жалко!

(6) Please, make yourselves [jɔ:ʹselvz] comfortable [ʹkʌmfətəbl]. Пожалуйста, располагайтесь поудобнее (как вам будет удобно).

(7) Do you take milk and sugar in your tea? Пьете ли вы чай с молоком и сахаром?


Урок 16


A. Transport: At a Railway Station. Booking Airline Tickets. At the Airport.

B. An Enjoyable Holiday.

C. It is Nice to See You Again.

Learn these words and word combinations

railway station [ʹreɪlweɪ ʹsteɪʃn] железнодорожная станция, вокзал

train [treɪn] n поезд; to go by train ехать на поезде (поездом); Will you go there by train or by plane? through [θru:] train прямой поезд

platform [ʹplætfɔ:m] n платформа; Which platform does the Rostov train leave from?

change [tʃeɪnʤ] v делать пересадку, пересаживаться (на железной дороге, в метро и т.п.); You’ll have a change at Leeds for Hull.

next [nekst] а следующий; When does the next train for Bristol leave? What’s the name of the next stop? But: next week (month, year, Monday)

single [ʹsɪŋɡl] n (сокр. от single ticket) билет, годный в одном направлении, билет в один конец; first (second, etc.) class single билет в один конец в первом (втором и т. д.) классе; I’d like three first class singles to Leeds, please.

return [rɪʹtən] n (сокр. от return ticket) билет в оба конца, туда и обратно; I’d like one two month return to Leeds. Мне хотелось бы один билет туда и обратно в Лидс сроком на два месяца.

flight [flaɪt] п рейс; flight 207 from Moscow to Paris; a nor-stop flight беспосадочный перелет; Is this a non-stop flight? to book a flight заказать билет на самолет; Could I book a flight to London?

just a minute [ʹmɪnɪt] (одну) минуточку, подождите минуту; Just a minute. I’m finishing the letter.

travel [ʹtrævl] n путешествовать, ездить; to travel by ship (air, train, car) плыть морем (лететь самолетом, ехать поездом, ехать на машине); Did they travel by train or by air? They travelled for twenty days.

economy [ɪʹkɔnəmɪ] n (сокр. от economy class) туристический (самый дешевый) класс в самолете; to travel economy лететь (ехать) в туристическом классе; Would you like to travel economy?

coach [koutʃ] n туристский междугородный автобус; автобус, обслуживающий аэропорт; When does the next coach leave for the airport?

announcer [əʹnaunsə] n диктор

announce [əʹnauns] v объявлять, сообщать (по радио, на собрании и т. п.)

departure [dɪʹpɑ:tʃə] п отъезд; отправление поезда (самолета и т. п.); Aeroflot announces the departure of fligth 207 from Moscow to Paris.

Gate Number [ʹnʌmbə] 7 (Gate No. 7) Выход № 7

copy [ʹkɔpɪ] n экземпляр; Here’s a copy of Pravda.

everything [ʹevrɪθɪŋ] pron все; Everything is ready.

enjoyable [ɪnʹʤɔɪəbl] а приятный; Her birthday party was really enjoyable.

fairly [ʹfɛəlɪ] adv довольно, в известной степени; The weather was fairly good. Погода была довольно хорошей.

though [ðou] cnj хотя; He went for a walk in the park though it was very cold.

rain n дождь; We had a lot of rain last month.

shine (shone) [ʃaɪn, ʃɔn] v светить; The sun is shining brightly [ʹbraɪtlɪ]. Солнце светит ярко.

lovely [ʹlʌvlɪ] а очаровательный прелестный, чудесный; It is а lovely day today.

on the whole [houl] в общем, в общем и целом; On the whole I liked the film.

scientist [ʹsaɪəntɪst] n ученый

carry [ʹkærɪ] v носить; Where are you carrying the books?

bag n сумка, чемодан, саквояж

manage [ʹmænɪʤ] v справляться, обходиться; I can manage all right [raɪt]; Я вполне могу справиться (сам).

hotel [houʹtel] п отель, гостиница

while [waɪl] cnj в то время как; What places of interest would you like to see while you are here?

certainly [ʹsə:tnlɪ] adv конечно, безусловно; He’s certainly a very good man. Certainly not! Ни в коем случае. Конечно, нет. "Will you invite John to your birthday party?" "Certainly not".




A: When does the Kiev train leave, please?

B: At 10 o’clock, platform 3.

A: What time does it arrive?

В: Five o’clock in the evening. It takes about seven hours to get there.

A: Do I have to change?

B: No, it’s a through train.


A: Is there a through train to Aberdeen* (г. Абердин)?

В: No, there isn’t. You have to change at Edinburgh**.

A: What time is the next train to Edinburgh, please?

B: At 10.35 in the evening.


Passenger: I’d like to book a flight to Geneva for Monday the twelfth.

Booking clerk: Just a minute, I’ll see what there is.

Passenger: I’d like to travel economy class, please.

Booking clerk: Aeroflot Flight 048 leaves at 0920. (1)

Passenger: What time do I have to be there?

Booking clerk: You’ll have to be at Air Terminal by 0810. The coach leaves for the airport at 0815.





Announcer: Aeroflot announces the departure of Flight Number 502(2) to Vienna at Gate Number 7.

Mr Wilson: I’m afraid I must be going.

Mr Brown: Here’s a copy of today’s newspaper. You may find something interesting in it. Goodbye and all the best.

Mr Wilson: Goodbye. Thanks for everything.


(Mr Brown has just returned from Italy, and is talking to Petrov.)

Petrov: How did you enjoy your holiday?

Mr Brown: Oh, I liked Italy very much.

Petrov: What about the weather?

B: Well, it was fairly good, though we had quite a lot of rain.

P: Oh, what a pity.

B: Well, when the sun shone it was really lovely. On the whole it was a very enjoyable holiday.


(John Masters meets Paul Ivanov, a Russian scientist, at the airport.)

John: Hello, Paul. Nice to see you again.

Paul: Hello, John. You’re looking very well.

John: Here,(3) let me carry those bags.

Paul: Oh, no, please don’t bother. I can manage all right.

John: Well, we’re going to the hotel now. By the way, what would you like to see while you are here? We’re looking forward to showing you around.

Paul: Thank you. That’s certainly very nice of you.


(1) 0920 = 9.20. Обратите внимание на то, как указывается время в расписаниях авиалиний.

(2) Flight Number 502 Рейс № 502

(3) Here послушайте (давайте)


Урок 18

Conversations: A. A Football Match.

B. Wales v.* England.

C. Can’t Accept Your Invitation.

Learn these words and word combinations

Cup Final [ʹfaɪnl]) финальный матч на кубок; semi-final полуфинал (полуфинальный матч); to win (to lose) the Cup Final выиграть (проиграть) финальный матч на кубок; I hope that Spartak will win the Cup Final.

game n игра, партия; football game футбольный матч; a game of chess партия в шахматы; a game of tennis гейм (в теннисе); games спортивные игры; the Olympic [oʹlɪmpɪk] Games Олимпийские игры

programme [ʹprouɡræm] n программа (радио-, теле-, театральная и т. п.); souvenir [͵su:vəʹnɪə] programme программа-сувенир

photo [ʹfoutou] n фотография (pl. photos) (сокр. от photograph [ʹfoutəɡrɑ:f] )

look v смотреть, глядеть; to look at smth. смотреть на что-л.; Look at this photo, please.

footballer [ʹfutbɔ:lə] футболист

on form в хорошей форме (в хорошем состоянии); All the footballers are on form now, aren’t they? Ant. off form в плохой форме (в плохом состоянии); I’m afraid their goalkeeper is off form today.

impression [ɪmʹpreʃn] n впечатление; I have the impression their team is off form today; to make an impression on smb. производить впечатление на кого-л.; The match made a great impression on everyone.

kick n удар; free kick спорт, свободный удар; penalty [ʹpenəltɪ] kick штрафной удар; That’ll be a penalty kick; goal-kick удар от ворот

score [skɔ:] v (= to score a goal) забить гол; Look, Adams is going to score.

top n верх, верхняя часть; The ball went over the top. Мяч пролетел над воротами.

shot [ʃɔt] n удар; Good shot! (в футболе, теннисе) Хороший удар!

v., vs (сокр. от versus [ʹvə:səs]) prep лат. против; France v. Finland [ʹfɪnlənd] матч Франция - Финляндия

rugby [ʹrʌɡbɪ] n спорт. регби; Can you play rugby?

International [͵ɪntəʹnæʃnl] а международный; Will it be an international match?

still adv все еще; I still play tennis.

keen а страстный, увлеченный; He’s still a keen footballer. Он все еще страстно увлечен футболом. (Он страстный футболист.) to be keen on smth.; увлекаться чем-л.; He’s keen on chess.

cricketer [ʹkrɪkɪtə] n игрок в крикет; Is he still a keen cricketer?

end v заканчиваться, оканчиваться, кончаться; How did the game end? to end in a draw [drɔ:] окончиться вничью; Did the game end in a draw? to end with a score 1 - 0 (one to nil), 3 - 2 (three to two), etc. закончиться со счетом 1 - 0 (3 - 2) и т.д.; The game ended with a score 6 - 3 (six to three).

invitation n приглашение; to accept [əkʹsept] an invitation принять приглашение; Did they accept the Brown’s invitation?

event [ɪʹvent] n спорт. соревнование; swimming events соревнование по плаванию; What events are you going to attend?

join [ʤɔɪn] v присоединяться; May I join you? Можно к вам присоединиться?

engagement [ɪnʹɡeɪʤmənt] n договоренность (о встрече), свидание; I have another engagement. Я буду занят (у меня другое свидание; я уже приглашен). I have no engagements till Saturday. До субботы я совсем свободен.


Jane and Peter came to the football ground to watch the "Cup Final".

a) Before the game started

Programme Seller: Souvenir programmes! Read all about your favourite team! Photos of all the players.

Jane: I’d like to get one.

Programme Seller: Programme, Miss!

Peter: Look and see if Adams is playing.

Jane: Who does he play for?

Peter: Oh really, Jane, he’s Peruvale’s* top scorer. He got a leg injury two weeks ago.

Jane: Yes, he’s playing today. Look at this. There are photographs of all the players here.

Peter: That’s Harry Creed. He plays for Liverpool. One of the best footballers(1) I’ve ever seen — when he’s on form. If he is the Liverpool team are sure to win.

Jane: Oh, good, they’re coming out onto the field now.

b) The match

Crowd: Liverpool! Liverpool!

Jane: I have the impression that half Liverpool’s here.

Peter: Well, they’re a very popular team. What a kick!

Jane: Adams’ll never get to it. Come on, Adams, come on!

Peter: Adams is there. He’s going to score.

Jane: It’s over the top.

Peter: It’s a goal-kick. Creed has got the ball.

Crowd: Shoot! Shoot!

Jane: It’s a goal. What a shot!

* * *

News Announcer: Here is the ten o’clock news. Liverpool won the Cup Final. The final score was Liverpool 4, Peruvale 0.


(After a rugby match)

David: It’s the best match I’ve ever watched.

John : It certainly is.

David: Rugby can be wonderful when it’s an international match.

John: Oh yes. By the way, are you st


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