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Fill in the scheme and speak on the Orenburg newspapers. Use the Topical vocabulary

Orenburg Newspapers




Translate into English

1) Россияне – читающая нация

2) Многие подписываются на две или более газет

3) Миллионы экземпляров газет покупаются каждый день в киосках

4) Общенациональные ежедневные и еженедельные газеты выражают политическую оценку

5) Большинство газет освещают новости и содержат статьи по внутренним и международным проблемам, различные виды обзоров, статьи о спортивных событиях

6) В каждом регионе России печатаются свои, местные газеты, освещающие события на местном уровне

7) Все местные газеты содержат много рекламы, которая способствует экономическому развитию региона


Using the Topical Vocabulary make up your own dialogues.


Text 2. Read the text and write down the information not mentioned in the Text 1

Russian press

It is almost impossible to imagine our life without newspapers. Millions of copies

of them appear every day. There are few homes to which at least one newspaper is not delivered every morning. Many people subscribe to two or even more newspapers, others buy morning or evening papers at the news stands.

Newspapers and magazines play a great and very important role in the life of a modern man. Reading a newspaper you can get information about the events that have taken or are going to take place in our country and abroad. You can also read articles about historical events and public figures of the past. Our newspaper publish information about the work of the State Duma of Russia. The pages of newspapers carry articles on our economy, industry and agriculture. Many newspapers carry material about international events, about life of the people in all pans of the world.

Sports-fans can read about sport events in Russia and other countries. Practically all newspapers also give radio and TV programmes, weather forecasts. Sometimes you can read some sensational or extraordinary material. So reading newspapers is a very interesting and useful thing.

There are very many newspapers in our country: “Izvestiya”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Moscow News”, “Arguments and Facts”, and many others. Every newspapers has its readers. The young people prefer reading “Komsomolka”. It is a newspaper for the youth, its articles are devoted to the younger generation. They describe the life of the young people in our country and abroad. They touch upon the problems of the youth.

Besides the newspapers, there are a lot of magazines in our country. Some of them are very interesting, for example “Round the World”, “Navy Mir”, “Sovremennik”, “Smena” and others. The most popular magazines with the youth are “Younost”, “Rovesnik”, “Smena”.


Listen to the text (see 7.10; 7.11; 7.12)

4.10 Speak on the Russian press according to the plan:

1) newspapers in Russia

2) local newspapers

3) magazines in Russia

4) TV in our life

5) Your favorite kind of Russian press

Section 5

Education in Russia

Topical vocabulary

to show a great concern for education придавать большое значение


the right to education право на образованию


to be stated отмечаться, констатироваться

to be ensured by smth обеспечиваться чем-либо

compulsory обязательный

a secondary school средняя школа

a vocational school училище

a higher education establishment вуз

an extramural course заочное обучение

an evening course вечернее обучение

state scholarships and grants государственные стипендии

inclusive включительно

a stage этап

compulsory schooling обязательное школьное обуче-


primary education начальное образование

secondary education среднее образование

intermediate school средние классы

senior school старшие классы

to go on in higher education продолжать образование в вузе

a core curriculum основная программа

an academic subject академический предмет

a lyceum лицей

a gymnasium гимназия

to give a profound knowledge давать углубленные знания

a programme of training in smth программа подготовки по како-

му-либо предмету

an applicant абитуриент

to take competitive examinations сдавать конкурсные экзамены

a higher education institution вуз

an undergraduate студент

a post-graduate course аспирантура

a thesis диссертация

a candidate degree степень кандидата наук

a doctoral degree степень доктора наук

to be headed by Rector возглавляться ректором

to be in charge of academic and scientific work отвечать за учебную и науч-

ную работу

a faculty факультет

a specialized council специализированный совет

to confer a degree присваивать степень

to go through a transitional period находиться в переходном пе-



an objective цель

to decentralize smth уничтожить централизацию в


to develop a new financial mechanism создать новый финансовый ме-


to be funded by the state финансироваться государством

a private school частная школа

a fee-paying school платная школа


Text 1


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