Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

II. Выберите правильную грамматическую форму. Впишите в бланк ответа только букву (a,b,c,d).

11. For dinner, she prefers to have ____ roasted meat with potatoes.

a) a b) an c) the d) --

12. You have hardly done ____ work!

a) some b) any c) no d) none

13. Because of cold autumn ____ mushrooms appeared that year.

a) a little b) less c) lots d) fewer

14. Unless you ____ now, I’m going to leave without you.

a) come b) will come c) don’t come d) won’t come

15.The kettle ____ for ten minutes! Turn it off!

a) is boiling b) boils c) has been boiling d) had boiled

16.Peter’s friends ____ for him when he arrived at the airport.

a) are waiting b) have been waiting c) waited d) were waiting

17. I ____ with my brother when we were children.

a) was used to fight b) used to fighting c) used to fight d) had fought

18. Do you know how many hours ____ this week?

a) has he worked b) did he work c) he has worked d) was he working

19. I feel happy! Мне только что предложили интересную работу.

a) Me just offered b) I was just offered c) I have just been offered d) I just offered

20. I didn’t know what ‘sophisticated’ meant and had to look it ___ in the dictionary.

a) up b) for c) out d) through

21. A documentary on endangered species ____ on TV at eight o’clock tonight.

a) is showing b) is shown c) is being shown d) will show

22. Manufacturers ____ to be reminded about harm they may do by polluting the environment.

a) must b) ought c) should d) could

23. The factory stopped ____ years ago because it was causing too much pollution.

a) operating b) to operate c) to operating d) operate

24. American scientists ____ the idea that dinosaurs died out because of a volcanic eruption.

a) turned into b) ran out of c) called on d) came up with

25. It’s ____ an expensive tour of Africa that only rich people can afford to go on it.

a) too b) very c) so d) such


IV. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав наиболее подходящий вариант. Впишите в бланк ответа только букву (a,b,c,d).

26. They need to put more ____ bins in the town centre.

a) paper b) litter c) waste d) sewerage

27. One of the most difficult decisions is to choose what to do for a ____ .

a) salary b) wage c) employee d) living

28. The football player was sent off from the football ground for punching the ____ .

a) lawyer b) employer c) runner-up d) referee

29. I think there is a leak in the pipe; may be we should call a ____.

a) miner b) porter c) mechanic d) plumber


30. One of the players was ____ during the match.

a) damaged b) injured c) spoiled d) broken

31. If you ____ round here at about half past six, we can watch that video before we go out.

a) come b) move c) run d) take

32. The use of modern technology will do a lot to stop crime, especially the ____ of credit cards.

a) robbery b) thief c)theft d) burglary


V. Поставьте слово в скобках в нужную грамматическую форму. Впишите это слово в бланк ответов.

Predicting the weather has always been (importance) (33) to our lives since (climate) (34) changes can seriously affect crops and therefore the (produce) (35) of food. Today (forecast) (36) use modern technology in order to increase their accuracy. Despite improvements in forecasting, the weather often remains (predict) (37)


VI. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав наиболее подходящий вариант. Впишите в бланк ответа только букву (a,b,c,d).

38. The entertainment and gambling capital in the USA is ____ .

a) Washington b) Boston c) New Work d) Las Vegas

39. The unit for measuring length in the United Kingdom equal to 1/12 of a foot is ____ .

a) inch b) centimeter c) meter d) ounce

40.The world’s most distinctive 20th century building in the form of a shell surrounded on three sides by the harbour.

a) The Sydney Opera House b) The United Nations Headquarters

c) Windsor Castle d) Tower Bridge

41.An English writer of the 19th century, best known for his children’s book ‘Alice in Wonderland’. He also taught mathematics at Oxford University.

a) Robert Burns b) George Byron c) Lewis Carroll d) Walter Scott

42. The wonderful and magic place where King Arthur lived with his family and the Knights of the Round Table

a) Nottingham b) Sherwood Forest c) Stonehenge d) Camelot



VII. К каждому высказыванию из колонки А подберите соответствующий ответ из колонки В. Один ответ лишний. Впишите в бланк ответов только букву.

  43.Can I take this bag as hand luggage? 44.I’d like a large, brown, sliced loaf, please. 45.Could you tell me where the library is? 46.Make yourself at home. 47.Could I have another plastic bag? I’ve got so much to carry.   a)Yes, of course. It’s on the ground floor. b)Here you are. We don’t charge for them. c)Fine, thanks. d)I’m afraid we only have white left. e)That’s very kind. Thank you. f)Yes, sure. I’ll give you a label for it.

VIII. Прочитайте три отрывка. Определите, к какому виду письма относится каждый отрывок: a) Letter of Application, b) Informal letter, c) Letter asking for information


48. Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to apply to become a group leader at the English Language Summer Camp which I read about in the International Echo…

49.I am writing in response to the advertisement about students’ holidays in Florida. I am interested in it and I would like to get more information…

50. …That’s all for now. I’ll write again when I’ve got more time. Bye for mow and take care, Sonia.


♫ Итоговый тест по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»

для студентов II курса ММФ

Вариант 03-04-09

I. Внимательно прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в тексте словами из списка. Каждое слово может быть использовано только один раз. Одно слово в списке – лишнее. Впишите в бланк ответа только букву.


Steel was well known in the ancientworld. Steel swordblades made in Damascus and Toledo were highly ____ (1). Steel was first ____ (2) in the mid-19th century, and steel production is now one of thechiefworld industries, ____ (3) basic to all industrialeconomies. The USA, Russia and Japan are the major ____ (4). Steel’s innumerableuses include automobile manufacture, shipbuilding, skyscraper frames, ____ (5) concrete and machinery of all kinds. All ____ (6)processes remove impurities in the raw materials – pig iron, scrap steel and reduced iron ore – by oxidizing them with an air or oxygen blast.

When the impurities have been removed, desiredelements are added in calculated ____ (7).

The most important kind of steel is stainless steel which is corrosion____ (8)and contains different admixtures. It is used for cutlery and many industrial ____ (9).

Themainprocesses are the Bessemer process and the Linz-Donawitz process. The Bessemer process is the first cheap____ (10)method of making steel from pig iron, invented in the 1850s by Henry Bessemer.



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