Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5


Generally speaking, parents are obligated by law to support and
protect their children. In addition they are required to see that their
offspring are educated in accordance with state laws.

According to traditional common law in the United States, the fa-
ther is primarily responsible for the support of his children. If he is
unable or refuses to support them, the mother is secondarily responsi-
ble for their support. Normally the duty to support a child continues
until the child reaches majority. In most states this is the age of

The first element in formulating child support orders is the deter-
mination of the amount to be awarded. Thus, the general rule is the
wealthier the father, the larger the child - support payments.

Child - support payments do not last indefinitely. Usually the court
order states that the payment will continue until the child reaches his
majority. But if a child is physically disabled, mentally retarded, or
otherwise unable to care for himself, local law may require the parent
to continue support payments throughout the life of the child. The
court's paramount concern at all times is the welfare of the child.

Child - support payments are always subject to modification. A
court will terminate support payments before the child reaches major-
ity if the child has become «emancipated» or self - supporting. Exam-
ples of emancipation include marriage, military service, and full -
time self- supporting jobs. A child's emancipation terminates the fa-
ther's duties in all situations, not merely those involving divorce.

The traditional view requires the father to finish financial support
for only the minimum amount of compulsory education though some
states are taking a different approach, that is courts require support
payment beyond the date of child's majority, thereby allowing him
finish his education.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту и подготовьте пересказ текста:

1. Who is primarily responsible for the support of children?

2. Till what age does the child get support?

3. What is the general rule when determining the amount to be awarded?

4. In what cases can local law require the parent to continue support

5. What does the term «emancipation» include?

Задание 3. Словообразование:

а) Назовите слова, противоположные по значению:
Model: legal - illegal

small - large

1) always 6) wealthier

2) educated 7) physically

3) primarily 8) to allow

4) to continue 9) to include

5) majority 10) compulsory

b) Образуйте слова при помощи префиксов pre-,sub-, over-, under-:

Model: position - preposition

charge , serve , marine, position, live, estimate, scription.

c) Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим сло-
вам, используя префиксы in-, im-, mis-, dis-, il-, un-:

Model: comfort - discomfort

неподвижный, отпечаток, посредник, неподкупный, неопреде-
ленный, неудобный, неизвестный, не соглашаться.

Задание 4. Выберите подходящие по смыслу союзы и вставьте в предложения:

(either ... or; neither ... nor)
1. Borrow some money from your friends. ... Ann ... Marry will help you.

2.... my arguments ... Dad's words had any effect on him.
3. The room was ... comfortable ... clean, was it?

4.... parents ... friends expected such a result.

5. A court may ... terminate ... continue the matrimony bond.

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант модального глагола:

1.... you help me?

a) could b) should с) must

2. They ... to meet at the entrance of the theatre.

a) mustn't b) had c)are

3. You ... have commented on the article.

a) couldn't b) ought to c) needn't

4. The murder ... have escaped.

a) may not b) can't c) must

5. It was to late and he ... leave the party.

a) was to b) had to c) may

Задание 6.Соотнесите предложение с правильным переводом:

1. She must come 1. Ей можно не приходить

2. She couldn't come 2. Ей можно прийти

3. She needn't come 3. Ей не следует приходить

4. She must have come 4. Она должна прийти

5. She may come 5. Она не могла прийти

6. She had to come 6. Она сможет прийти

7. She'll be able to come 7. Ей не разрешают прийти

8. She may have come 8. Ей пришлось прийти

9. She shouldn't come 9. Возможно она пришла

10. She isn't allowed to come 10. Она, должно быть, пришла

Задание 7. Определите, в какой функции выступает слово one в предложении: неопределенно личного подлежащего, слова-заместителя или количественного числителя. Предложение со словом one в качестве слова-заместителя трансформируйте во множественное число. Переведите:

1. The constitutional system of each particular state is the one which is
similar to that of the entire nation..

2. One shouldn't say that you don't work hard.

3. You should present her only one thing but this one must be very

Задание 8.

а) Распределите предложения в две группы:
I) Complex Object II) Complex Subject

Переведите предложения:

Model: a) He believes his parents to be at home now.

Он полагает, что его родители сейчас дома,
b) These facts are expected to help identify the offender.
Предполагается, что эти факты помогут опознать

1. This young man is unlikely to have committed a crime.

2. The people watched the policeman protect the crime scene.

3. Our laws are known to protect the interests of all the people.

4. Most of historians regard the US constitution to be a conservative document.

5. The investigator is expected to solve the crime quickly.

6. The witness saw a woman enter the house.
7.1 happened to be there at that time.

b) Переведите предложения. Укажите, в какой функции в каждом из них выступает инфинитив: подлежащего, дополнения, обстоятельства, определения или части сказуемого:

1. I've no idea how to get there.

2.1 don't know whether to answer him or not.

3. He proved to be very patient.

4. The first thing to do is let them know.

с) Назовите все формы инфинитива:

1) to solve

2) to regulate

3) to interpret

Задание 9. Переведите на русский язык в форме неопределенно-личного предложения:

1. You never know the value of water until the well is dry.

2. One should be careful crossing the road.

3. What do they say about this case.

Задание 10.

а) Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сложные формы Participle 1, Participle 2, Gerund и отглагольные существительные:

1. In looking through the newspapers the other day I came across a
most interesting article.

2. Having questioned the woman the inspector no longer doubted that
she was a murder.

3 Society cannot exist without using political power as an instrument
of the economically dominant class.

4. Attorney insisted on filing the appeal to the Federal Court.

5. The discussion being hold by the club attracted everybody's atten-

6. After being identified the criminal was arrested.

7. When protecting a crime scene the officer must remember that
nothing is to be touched or moved.

8. The witness didn't remember having seen the man before.

9. The roaring of the of waterfall was heard many miles around.

10. Before defending him find out if he is really not to blame.

11. What's the name of the police inspector, questioning this woman.

12. The jury wanted the accused to confess his fault.

13. Based on a real life event the story aroused everybody's interest.

14. Public was disappointed at offender not having been imprisoned.

b) Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие причастия:

1) взятый 6) изучаемый

2) продающий 7) знающий

3) обслуживаемый 8) обсуждаемый

4) докладывающий 9) прослушанный

5) посылающий 10) выигранный

Задание 11.

а) Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1. If you turn left you ... see the house I live in.

a) shall b) will c) would

2.... it be all right if I came round at about six?

a) will b) would c) should

3. If you had told the truth I... have got angry.

a) won't b) shouldn't c) will

b) Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. If I had had some time I... the translation.

a) should finish b) finished c) should have finished

2. If he ... at the concert he would have enjoyed it.

a) had been b) was c) were

3. If you had taken my address you may ... my house.

a) would find b) found c) would have found

с) Укажите правильный вариант перевода:

1. If one court rules are against him the litigant can appeal his case to a higher appellate court.

a) Если бы правила какого-то суда его не устроили, то он смог
бы апеллировать в вышестоящий суд.

b) Если правила какого-то суда его не устраивают, он может
апеллировать в вышестоящий суд.

2. If I had said even a word he would have flown into a rage.

a) Если я скажу ему хоть слово, он разъярится.

b) Если бы я сказал ему хотя бы слово, он разъярился бы.

3. If you hadn't been at a lose end you would have passed your exam.

a) Если не будешь валять дурака, то сдашь свой экзамен.

b) Если бы ты не валял дурака, то сдал бы свой экзамен.

d) Правильно соедините придаточные предложения
с главными:

1. If she knows English well a) she could help you

2. If she knew English well b) she can help you

3. If she had known English well c) she could have helped you

Задание 12. Переведите письменно текст:


There are many business related acts that constitute federal crimes.
For example, in the area of bankruptcy, the federal Bankruptcy Re-
form Act of 1978 makes it crime for a debtor to willfully transfer
property to a confederate before bankruptcy proceeding for the purpose of defrauding creditors, to conceal his or her assets during bankruptcy proceedings, and to give false testimony under oath during such

Additionally, a number of federal statutes impose criminal liability
on persons and firms who offer bribers and kickbacks to federal officials for the purpose of obtaining business advantages. Similarly, bribery of officials of foreign governments for the purpose of obtaining the sale of goods or services to those governments is a crime underi he Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 - an act passed after testimony in Congress divulged widespread use of such bribery by a number of US firms in the late 1960s and early 1970s Any firm that violates this act can be fined up to $ 2 million, and officers and directors of such firms may be fined up to $ 100,000 or imprisoned for up to
five years or both.

Задание 13. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1) умышленно передавать собственность сообщнику;

2) скрыть свое имущество во время оформления банкротства;

3) дать ложные показания под присягой;

4) подкуп официальных лиц;

5) любая фирма, нарушающая этот закон.

Вариант 4

Задание 1. Переведите текст на русский язык:

Because the marriage contract is protected by the state and because
the state laws governing this relationship are diverse, marriage is often
difficult to terminate. The only way it can be dissolved before the
death of one of the parties is by a judicial act. Basically there are three
legal methods by which the contract may be dissolved or suspended.

Divorce is the basic juridical act which dissolves a marriage. An
absolute divorce completely breaks the bonds of matrimony. A limited
divorce, also known as a judicial or legal separation, suspends the
marriage relations. The husband must provide for the separate maintenance of his wife.

Voluntary separation occurs when husband and wife agree to live
apart. It often results in a separation agreement. This document includes provisions for the support of wife and for the custody and sup-
port of any children.

Annulment is the result of a court decree. It declares the marriage
invalid from it's inception. An annulment differs from a divorce in
that it usually must be based on a reason or cause that existed at the
time of marriage.

The court has the power to award custody and control of children
temporarily pending the outcome of a divorce action and at the conclusion of divorce, separation and annulment .proceedings. The
court's decision is based on the welfare of the child. The desires of the
parents and of the children must yield to the judgment of the court.

Under common law, the father usually was granted custody of the
children. However many courts follow a rule of awarding custody to
the innocent party in a divorce action.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту и подготовьте пересказ текста:

1. Why is it difficult to terminate the marriage?

2. In what case can the marriage contract be dissolved without a judicial act?

3. What does the separation agreement include?

4. What kind of divorce suspends the marriage relations?

5. What rule do many courts follow when awarding custody?

Задание 3. Словообразование:

a) Назовите слова, противоположные по значению:

Model: legal - illegal; small - large

1) often 6) completely

2) to terminate 7) voluntary

3) to dissolve 8) invalid

4) legal 9) temporarily

5) divorce 10) welfare

b) Образуйте слова при помощи префиксов pre-, sub-, over-, under-:

Model: position - preposition.

clothes, dominate, time, pay, pass, war, conscious.

c) Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим сло-
вам, используя префиксы in-, im-, mis-, dis-, il-, un-.

Model: comfort - discomfort.

незаконный, неправоспособность, безразличный, исчезать, не-
опровержимый, заблуждение, к несчастью.

Задание 4. Выберите подходящие по смыслу союзы и вставьте в предложения:

(either...or; neither... nor; both ... and)

1. I'd like to help you a little. I can ... walk the dog ... go shopping.

2. If you do any more work tonight we'll be able ... to attend the con-
cert ... to go to the movie.

3. Inside the examination room we could ... smoke ... talk.
4.... he ... she .will have to go.

5. I saw ... your camera ... the pictures.

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант модального глагола:

1. I'm afraid the weather ... change for the worth.

a) must b) may c) should

2 Bernard ... pick him up after the party.

a) might b) may not c) is to

3 You ... have included it into your report.

a) mustn't b) couldn't c) needn't

4 He ... have been so nave, it's unlike him.

a) is to b) must c) can't

5 She ... change her job some years ago.
a) would b) had to c) has to

Задание 6. Соотнесите предложение с правильным переводом:

1.She may have come 1.Ей можно не приходить

2.She isn't allowed to come 2.Ей можно прийти

3.She'll be able to come 3.Ей не следует приходить

4. She had to come 4.Она должна прийти

5.She couldn't come 5.Она не могла прийти

6.She may come 6.Она сможет прийти

7.She shouldn't come 7.Ей не разрешают прийти

8.She needn't come 8.Ей пришлось прийти

9.She must have come 9.Возможно она пришла

10.She must come 10. Она должно быть пришла

Задание 7. Определите, в какой функции выступает слово one в предложении: неопределенно-личного подлежащего, слова-заместителя или количественного числителя. Предложение со словом one в качестве слова-заместителя трансформируйте вомножественное число. Переведите:

1. The USA divided into 50 states; each one has it's own Constitution.
2.1 have one thing to do.

3. One should know that it was necessary to investigate all the circum-
stances of the case.

Задание 8.

а) Распределите предложения в две группы:
I) Complex Object II) Complex Subject

Переведите предложения:

Model: а) Не believes his parents to be at home now.

Он полагает, что его родители сейчас дома,
b) These facts are expected to help identify the offender.
Предполагается, что эти факты помогут опознать
правонаруш ителя.

1. The police officer happened to be present at the crime scene at the
moment of the commission of the offense.

2. The detective wanted the young man to be invited for cross- examination.

3. The English Constitution is considered to be flexible.
4.I suppose him to be about thirty.

5. The case is unlikely to be investigated quickly.

6. Books by Conan Doyle are known to have been translated in many countries.

7. The teacher found him to be a brilliant student.

b) Переведите предложения. Укажите, в какой
функции в каждом из них выступает инфинитив: под-
лежащего, дополнения, обстоятельства, определения
или части сказуемого:

1. The problem is how to do it.

2. The letters to be posted are on the table.

3. He came round to ask after her health.

4. I'm sorry to have troubled you.

c) Назовите все формы инфинитива:

1) to lose

2) to provide

3) to support

Задание 9. Переведите на русский язык в форме неопределенно-личного предложения:

1. You can take a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

2. One must study hard to get education.

3. They also call the common law as «case law».

Задание 10.

а) Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на
сложные формы Participle 1, Participle 2, Gerund и
отглагольные существительные

1. The report being made by professor N is rather interesting.
2.I don't remember having listened this music before.

3. Having done all the exercises to the text he began to work at the text itself.

4. While speaking to a victim or a witness, the main task of the detective is his ability to conduct a productive interview.

5. Having been read by the children before the story was not interesting for them.

6. The criminal ran away without leaving any traces.

7. Having no guaranteed labor, guaranteed income, and health care the
working man is guaranteed ineguality.

8. Having been proposed first in 1787 the Constitution faced wide spread dissatisfaction.

9. Helen is surprised at being treated like that.

10. What's the name of the woman, being questioned?

11. The legislative power in the USA belongs to Congress consisting of two Houses.

12. A trouble shared is a trouble halved.

13. Living in peace is a dream of all people.

14. He was accused of committing a crime.

b) Переведите с русского языка на английский сле-
дующие причастия

1) смотрящий 6) исключая

2) уполномоченный 7) установленный

3) основанный 8) проводящий

4) обсуждающий 9) проигравший

5) управляемый 10) приглашенный

Задание 11.

а) Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

I. If I knew English well, I... take this job.

a) shall b)will c)should
2. If he were rich he . .. buy a car.  
a) shall b)will c) would
3. If she asked me I.. . help her.  
a) shall b) will c)should

b) Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. If I... her better I should turn to her for help.

a) know b) knew c) will know

2. If the weather ... fine you would not stay at home.

a) is b) was c) were

3. If she ... him she would be happy.

a) marries b) married c)will marry

c) Укажите правильный вариант перевода:

1. If I meet her today I shall give her your book.

a) Если я встречу ее сегодня, я отдам ей твою книгу.

b) Если бы я встретила ее сегодня, я бы отдала ей твою книгу.

2. If she had money she would buy this thing.

a) Если у нее есть деньги, она купит эту вещь.

b) Если бы у нее были деньги, она бы купила эту вещь.

3. If you knew English you would be able to help us.

a) Если ты знаешь английский, ты сможешь нам помочь.

b) Если бы ты знал английский, ты смог бы нам помочь.

d) Правильно соедините придаточные предложения
с главными:

1.If you write a letter a) they would have received it by now

2.If you wrote a letter b) they would receive it soon

3. If you had written the letter c) tell them the news

Задание 12. Переведите письменно текст:


The term «white-collar crime» originally referred only to crimes
committed against business firms, usually by their employees, through
the use of non-physical, nonviolent means. In this sense, such crime
consisted essentially of embezzlement, the taking of an employer's
funds by an employee entrusted with such funds, and theft, the wrongful taking of any other property of the employer. Today, however the
term has almost universally been broadened to refer to all nonviolent
criminal acts committed by business firms as well as against business
firms. Used in this broader sense, white-collar crime embraces a very
wide spectrum of business misconduct, covering such diverse wrongs
as practicing of fraud on insurance companies, securities fraud, obtaining property through misuse of credit cards, and even income tax
evasion. The term also includes computer fraud, a topic warranting
special attention at the end of this chapter. In the following section we
will examine some of the most common business - related actions that
violate federal or state criminal statues - most of which fall under the
«white-collar» heading.

Задание 13. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1) преступление, совершенное против фирмы;

2) нефизическими, ненасильственными методами;

3) термин почти повсеместно расширен;

4) действия, относящиеся к предпринимательской деятельности;
5) служащий, которому доверены деньги.




Общие требования:

  1. Переведите текст со словарем (тексты прилагаются)
  2. Объясните видо-временные формы глагола (опора на тексты)
  3. Изложите разговорную тему:


А) «Criminal justice in Great Britain» - Судопроизводство в Англии

Б) «The criminal law in Great Britain» - Закон в Англии

В) «Crime statistics» - Криминальная статистика



1. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№1). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №1

Translate into English

The Queen is the personification of the State. She is the head of the executive, and the judiciary in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, The Commander-inchier of all the armed forces of England. However, The absolute power of the monarchy is reduced so that the Queen acts on the advice of her ministers, which she cannot consitituonally ignore, therefore she reigns – but does not rule. Her Majesty`s Government governs in the name of the Queen.

Her Majesty the Queen summons and dissolves Parliament opening a new session with a speech from the throne. Any Bill which has passed all its stages in both Houses must gain the Royal Assent before it becomes a legal enactment.

The Queen confers titles, honours and appointments to all important State offices and her conrers and appoval are required before a minister can assume office; and by reason of her preeminent position as Head of State has the power to conclude treaties, to declare war and to make peace.

The Unites Kingdom`s supereme legislative authority is the Queen in Parliament – the Queen and the two Houses of Parliament, The House of Lords and the elected House of Commons.

Underthe 1911 Parliament Act the life of a Westminister Parliament is fixed at a maximum five years (although it may be dissolved for a generak election before the expiry of the legal term). During its life it may make or unmake any law, and even legalize past illegality by reversing the decision of the courts.


2. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№2). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №2

Translate into English

The trial itself is preceded by the prosecution ofthe accused before the court. At this stage the judge considers questions which when settled must remove all circumstances, which may hinder the examination of a case on. Its merits and must insure corriplete an e court session. After he is presented with a criminal case, the judges studies it carefully and ascertains in the frrst place

whether the given court is competent to judge it or not, whether the guilty persori's action contain element of a crime or not, whether there are circumstances that involved the discogtinuance or suspension of cases, wheth'er the indictment was drawn up in strict conformity with the law and whether measure ware taken to compensate the damage inflicted by a crime.

Having studied the case the judge informs all the interested persons about it and takes other organizational measures connected wilh its preparation for a hearing. In pafticular, the judge must consider petitions or applications filed by citizens and organizations relevant to the case in hand. In doing this the judge has the right to call in those persons who filed the appropriarc petitions. He promptly informs them about the results of handling these petitions. If their pctitions are a"clinca this does nor pre- J vent.the person concerned from fill them as,ain but at the trial stage.



3. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№3). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №3

Translate into English

The United States of America is a fedderal union of 51 states. Its basic law is the Constitution which was approved by the constitutional convention on September 17, 1787, ratified by the necessary two-thiries of tbe original thirteen states and amended at various times since. The Constitution prescribes the structure and method of natignal government and lists its rights and fields of authority, other rights and activities being reserved to the individual states. All government in America, therefore, has the dual character of both Federal and state government.

By the American Constitution the government of the na{ion is entrusted to three separate authorities and divided into three major branches: the Legislative Branch, which sits in the Capital Building; the Executive Branch, which.operates fiom the white House containing the office and residence of the President; and the Judicial brunch, which is headed by the Supreme Court.



4. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№4). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №4

Translate into English

The United States of America is a fedderal union of 51 states. Its basic law is the Constitution which was approved by the constitutional convention on September 17, 1787, ratified by the necessary two-thiries of tbe original thirteen states and amended at various times since. The Constitution prescribes the structure and method of natignal government and lists its rights and fields of authority, other rights and activities being reserved to the individual states. All government in America, therefore, has the dual character of both Federal and state government.

By the American Constitution the government of the na{ion is entrusted to three separate authorities and divided into three major branches: the Legislative Branch, which sits in the Capital Building; the Executive Branch, which.operates fiom the white House containing the office and residence of the President; and the Judicial brunch, which is headed by the Supreme Court.


5. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№5). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №5

Translate into English

All decisions concerning the line of investigation and its conduct are taken by the investigator independently, with the exception of cases where the law requires the sanction of the procurator. Arrests, searches, seizures of conespondence and various other actions are performed by the investigator only with the sanction of the procurator given in writing. The investigator is ftilly responsible for the legality and timeliness of all requisite inqurry actions.

The procurator who supervises the investigation has the right to give instructions to the investigator in charge of all matters concerning the line and conduct of investigation. His instructions given in written form are obligatory for the investigator. Should the investigator disagree with the procurator`s instructions as regards the qualification of a crime, the scope of the indictment, the dispatch of a case for adjudication court or the quashing of case, he is entitled to the case to a higher procurator with his objections in writing. ln such instances the higher procurator either cancels the instuctons of the lower procurator the case to another investigator.


6. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№6). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №6

Translate into English

Procurators have broad powers ofsupervision over the obsdrvance of legality in places of confinement. Under the Statute of Supervisory Powers ofthe Procurator's Office in Russia, they are'empowered to veriff the legality of and groudds for keeping person in place of confinement, to check up whe*ther convicted person are released at the right time from place of confinement, to check up whether convicted person are relegality of decisions taken to release convicts from place of confinement before the expiry of the term; to ensure that the statutory regime rules of labour for convicted persons are observed, to supervise the state of educational work among these persons, to verif, whether deduction from their wages are made according to the law, to check up whether the orders and instructions of the administrations of places of confurement conform to the law ond to supervise the legality and the timeliness, of considering convicted persons' complains by the administation. In order to discharge these functions, the procurator has the'iiglht to inspect places of confinement at any time, to have unrestricted access to all their premises, to make a study of a documents on the basis of which the persons in question have been depriued of their liberty, to question prisoners in p6rson and deniand personal explanations from the adminlstration.


7. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№7). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №7

Translate into English

The Queen is the personification of the State. She is the head of the executive, and the judiciary in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, The Commander-inchier of all the armed forces of England. However, The absolute power of the monarchy is reduced so that the Queen acts on the advice of her ministers, which she cannot consitituonally ignore, therefore she reigns – but does not rule. Her Majesty`s Government governs in the name of the Queen.

Her Majesty the Queen summons and dissolves Parliament opening a new session with a speech from the throne. Any Bill which has passed all its stages in both Houses must gain the Royal Assent before it becomes a legal enactment.

The Queen confers titles, honours and appointments to all important State offices and her conrers and appoval are required before a minister can assume office; and by reason of her preeminent position as Head of State has the power to conclude treaties, to declare war and to make peace.

The Unites Kingdom`s supereme legislative authority is the Queen in Parliament – the Queen and the two Houses of Parliament, The House of Lords and the elected House of Commons.

Underthe 1911 Parliament Act the life of a Westminister Parliament is fixed at a maximum five years (although it may be dissolved for a generak election before the expiry of the legal term). During its life it may make or unmake any law, and even legalize past illegality by reversing the decision of the courts.



8. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№8). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №8

Translate into English

The systen of higher education includes universities of education and advaqced courses at various colleges.

Altogether, there are now 46 universities:in the United Kingdom: 35 in England, 8 in Scotland, 2 and Northern Ireland and I in Wales. In England,and Wales there are 16l colleges of education. The majority of teachers qualify by undertaking a three- year course ofstudies at college ofeducation.

British universities can be divided into three main groups. The OLD UNIVERSITIES: Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities. They were found in the XII century, Oxford and Cambridge were the only two universities in England, and there was no place for girls.

In the XIVth and XVth centuries four universities were founded in Scotland.

THE REDBRICK UNIVERSITIES: these include all the provincial universi'ties of the period I 850 - 1930, as well as London University. The term "redbrick is not used much today, but it is a usual way of describing this group of universities, many of which were built in the favorite building material of the time-red brick.

THE NEW UNIVERSITIES: these are all the universities founded since the second world war. Because of their more modern approach to university courses, corne students choose the new universities in preference to other universities. But Oxford and Cambridse are still the main attraction.


9. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№9). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №9

Translate into English

Procurators have broad powers ofsupervision over the obsdrvance of legality in places of confinement. Under the Statute of Supervisory Powers ofthe Procurator's Office in Russia, they are'empowered to veriff the legality of and groudds for keeping person in place of confinement, to check up whether convicted person are released at the right time from place of confinement, to check up whether convicted person are relegality of decisions taken to release convicts from place of confinement before the expiry of the term; to ensure that the statutory regime rules of labour for convicted persons are observed, to supervise the state of educational work among these persons, to verif, whether deduction from their wages are made according to the law, to check up whether the orders and instructions of the administrations of places of confurement conform to the law ond to supervise the legality and the timeliness, of considering convicted persons' complains by the administation. In order to discharge these functions, the procurator has the'iiglht to inspect places of confinement at any time, to have unrestricted access to all their premises, to make a study of a documents on the basis of which the persons in question have been depriued of their liberty, to question prisoners in p6rson and deniand personal explanations from the adminlstration.



10. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№10). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №10

Translate into English

All decisions concerning the line of investigation and its conduct are taken by the investigator independently, with the exception of cases where the law requires the sanction of the procurator. Arrests, searches, seizures of conespondence and various other actions are performed by the investigator only with the sanction of the procurator given in writing. The investigator is ftilly responsible for the legality and timeliness of all requisite inqurry actions.

The procurator who supervises the investigation has the right to give instructions to the investigator in charge of all matters concerning the line and conduct of investigation. His instructions given in written form are obligatory for the investigator. Should the investigator disagree with the procurator`s instructions as regards the qualification of a crime, the scope of the indictment, the dispatch of a case for adjudication court or the quashing of case, he is entitled to the case to a higher procurator with his objections in writing. ln such instances the higher procurator either cancels the instuctons of the lower procurator the case to another investigator.


11. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№11). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №11

Translate into English

Consideration is the very essence of a contract. An offer can be withdrawn at any time before acceptance because there is no consideration for keeping it open.

In order to make a valid contract one must observe certain necessaryconditions.

Unenforceable means valid in itself but not capable of being proved in a court ofjustice.

Voidable means capable of being affirmed or repudiated by one or other of the parties according to his wishes. Void means destitute of legal affect. An illegal contract is a mutual agreement to do something contrary to law or public policy. An executed contract is one in which the object of the contract is at once performed whilst an executory contract is one in which one of the parties finds himself to do or not to do a given thing at some future date. Illegal considerations will not make a binding contract. A contract containing an agreement to do anything immoral, indecent or contr ary to law is void as for example contracts to commit, conceal or compound a crime. If only part of the consideration is contrary to law the entire contract is void. A contract founded on a consideration naturally or physically impossible is also void.



12. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№12). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №12

Translate into English

All decisions concerning the line of investigation and its conduct are taken by the investigator independently, with the exception of cases where the law requires the sanction of the procurator. Arrests, searches, seizures of conespondence and various other actions are performed by the investigator only with the sanction of the procurator given in writing. The investigator is ftilly responsible for the legality and timeliness of all requisite inqurry actions.

The procurator who supervises the investigation has the right to give instructions to the investigator in charge of all matters concerning the line and conduct of investigation. His instructions given in written form are obligatory for the investigator. Should the investigator disagree with the procurator`s instructions as regards the qualification of a crime, the scope of the indictment, the dispatch of a case for adjudication court or the quashing of case, he is entitled to the case to a higher procurator with his objections in writing. ln such instances the higher procurator either cancels the instuctons of the lower procurator the case to another investigator.



13. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№13). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №13

Translate into English

The trial itself is preceded by the prosecution ofthe accused before the court. At this stage the judge considers questions which when settled must remove all circumstances, which may hinder the examination of a case on. Its merits and must insure corriplete an e court session. After he is presented with a criminal case, the judges studies it carefully and ascertains in the frrst place

whether the given court is competent to judge it or not, whether the guilty persori's action contain element of a crime or not, whether there are circumstances that involved the discogtinuance or suspension of cases, wheth'er the indictment was drawn up in strict conformity with the law and whether measure ware taken to compensate the damage inflicted by a crime.

Having studied the case the judge informs all the interested persons about it and takes other organizational measures connected wilh its preparation for a hearing. In pafticular, the judge must consider petitions or applications filed by citizens and organizations relevant to the case in hand. In doing this the judge has the right to call in those persons who filed the appropriarc petitions. He promptly informs them about the results of handling these petitions. If their pctitions are a"clinca this does nor pre- J vent.the person concerned from fill them as,ain but at the trial stage.



14. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№14). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №14

Translate into English

The United States of America is a fedderal union of 51 states. Its basic law is the Constitution which was approved by the constitutional convention on September 17, 1787, ratified by the necessary two-thiries of tbe original thirteen states and amended at various times since. The Constitution prescribes the structure and method of natignal government and lists its rights and fields of authority, other rights and activities being reserved to the individual states. All government in America, therefore, has the dual character of both Federal and state government.

By the American Constitution the government of the na{ion is entrusted to three separate authorities and divided into three major branches: the Legislative Branch, which sits in the Capital Building; the Executive Branch, which.operates fiom the white House containing the office and residence of the President; and the Judicial brunch, which is headed by the Supreme Court.



15. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№15). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №15

Translate into English

Procurators have broad powers ofsupervision over the obsdrvance of legality in places of confinement. Under the Statute of Supervisory Powers ofthe Procurator's Office in Russia, they are'empowered to veriff the legality of and groudds for keeping person in place of confinement, to check up whether convicted person are released at the right time from place of confinement, to check up whether convicted person are relegality of decisions taken to release convicts from place of confinement before the expiry of the term; to ensure that the statutory regime rules of labour for convicted persons are observed, to supervise the state of educational work among these persons, to verif, whether deduction from their wages are made according to the law, to check up whether the orders and instructions of the administrations of places of confurement conform to the law ond to supervise the legality and the timeliness, of considering convicted persons' complains by the administation. In order to discharge these functions, the procurator has the'iiglht to inspect places of confinement at any time, to have unrestricted access to all their premises, to make a study of a documents on the basis of which the persons in question have been depriued of their liberty, to question prisoners in p6rson and deniand personal explanations from the adminlstration.




16. Переведите с английского на русский (текст№16). Составьте 6-8 вопросов. Подчеркните сказуемое, укажите время в тексте. Разговорная тема.

Текст №16

Translate into English

The systen of higher education includes universities of education and advaqced courses at various colleges.

Altogether, there are now 46 universities:in the United Kingdom: 35 in England, 8 in Scotland, 2 and Northern Ireland and I in Wales. In England,and Wales there are 16l colleges of education. The majority of teachers qualify by undertaking a three- year course ofstudies at college ofeducation.

British universities can be divided into three main groups. The OLD UNIVERSITIES: Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities. They were found in the XII century, Oxford and Cambridge were the only two universities in England, and there was no place for girls.

In the XIVth and XVth centuries four universities were founded in Scotland.

THE REDBRICK UNIVERSITIES: these include all the provincial universi'ties of the period I 850 - 1930, as well as London University. The term "redbrick is not used much today, but it is a usual way of describing this group of universities, many of which were built in the favorite building material of the time-red brick.

THE NEW UNIVERSITIES: these are all the universities founded since the second world war. Because of their more modern approach to university courses, corne students choose the new universities in preference to other universities. But Oxford and Cambridse are still the main attraction.



Задания к зачету

1. Прочитайте и изложите тексты своего варианта из выполненной контрольной работы №1(ответьте на вопросы, данные после текста с опорой на текст). Объясните видо-временные формы глагола.






Либо изложите разговорные темы, изученные в течение 1 семестра.

1. «MY FAMILY AND FUTURE PROFESSION» (Моясемьяибудущаяпрофессия)

2. «GOINGABROAD» (Выезд за границу)

3. «A BUSINESS TRIP» (Деловаяпоездка)

Возможна монологическая речь, или в форме диалога.

Выполните задание из тестов на знание предлогов и видо-временных форм (по 5 заданий)

См. тексты для зачета по английскому языку.






1. Алексеева Т.К. Деловой английский. М. Вече, 2000.

2. Богатский И.С., Лукьянова Н.А. Бизнес-курс английского языка, Киев: Логос, 1997.

3. Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник английского языка. М.: Деконт-ГИС, 1996.

4. Васильев К.С. Английский – это просто: Самоичитель. Санкт-Петербург: МиМ-Экспрес, 1996.

5. Выборова Г.Е., Махмурян К.С., Мельчина О.П. Проверь себя: Тесты по английскому языку. М.: АСТ-Пресс, 1996.

6. Голицинский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. М.:

7. Грамматические справочники для студентов неязыковых вузов.

8. Клементьева Т.Б. Повторяем времена английского глагола. М,:Дрофа, 1995.

9.Общие англо-русские словари.




1. Экономические англо-русские словари.

2. Периодика и книги для чтения по порофилю вуза. Учебные пособия по специальности с лексико-грамматическими упражнениями.

3. Христорождественская Л.Г. Английский язык: практический курс. Минск: Попурри, 1997.

4. Зарубина Л.А. Тематика контрольных работ по английскому языку для студентов заочного отделения. Архангельск, 2000.

5. Власов Л. Умеете ли вы слушать? // Кроссворды для руководителя. – М., 1992



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