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Используйте FuturePerfectContinuous .Предложения переведите.

1. Next year we (study) English for three years.

2. In two months she (to work ) at school for ten years.

3. Next summer I (to take) music lessons for two and a half years.

4. The children (to sleep) for two hours by the time their parents came home.

5. In ten minutes they (to discuss) this question for three hours.

Тема 6

Задание 1Используйте в следующий предложениях PresentIndefinitePassive.

Pattern:People always admire such pictures Such pictures are always admired.

1.Mary helps mother. 2.The teacher answers questions. 3.One uses milk for making butter and cheese. 4.One praises a student when he works hard. 5.Tom opens the door. 6.We translate the text into English.

Pattern:The students write the dictation. The dictation is written by the students.

1.People speak English all over the world. 2.They make progress every day in the world of science. 3.They sell apples by the kilo. 4.She takes her little daughter to the kindergarten every day. 5.They speak English in Great Britain. 6.The grocer sells eggs. 7.Thestudentsmakenomistakesintheirdictations.


Задание 2Задайте вопрос, чтобы уточнить полученные сведения, согласно образцу приведенному ниже.

a) — His book is translated into many foreign languages. (into Bulgarian)

— Really? Is it translated into Bulgarian?

1. Tape-recorders are repaired in this shop. (TV sets)

2. American films are often shown here. (French films)

3. The offer is sent by their firm. (the project)

4. Jack is offered a job in a small firm. (Bill)

5. The participants of the conference are registered in the hall.(quests)

b) Robert will be taught Spanish at School. (Clara)

Will Clara be taught Spanish as well?

1. A trade center will be built in our region. (a cultural center)

2. The production of the plant will be exported to Germany. (Poland)

3. The streets will be decorated for the New Year. (the hall)

4. Hellen will be shown around the town. (Mary)

5. The high ranking officials will be invited to the press conference (the journalists)

c) He wasn't recommended to his post. (why)

Why wasn't he recommended to his post?

1. Charlie wasn't sent abroad. (Why)

2. The passengers were invited on board the plane. (Who by)

3. The visitors were taken round the lab, (When)

4. The letter was received this week. (What)

5. I was offered a job there. (Where)


Задание 3Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные курсивом глаголы:

1. The seminar was attendedby all the students of the group. 2. At the university lectures and seminars are followedby examinations. 3. The old methods of research were replacedwith new ones. 4. He was greatly influencedby other people's opinions. 5. All his questions have been answered.

6. The students asked the lecturer many questions. The lecturer was asked many questions.

7. He taught us to use the lab equipment. We were taught to use the lab equipment.

8. Tomorrow our teacher will give us a new task. A new task will be given tomorrow. We shall be given a new task tomorrow.

9. Usually a lab assistant shows the equipment to the students. Usually the equipment is shown to the students by a lab assistant. Usually the students are shown the equipment by a lab assistant.


Задание 4Преобразуйте следующие предложения, употребив глагол-сказуемое в соответствующей видовременной форме страдательного залога.

1. Some of our friends joined us on our way to the summer camp. 2. The engineers have urged the management to take advantage of the new technology. 3. A special edition of short stories for children followed his first novel. 4. I spent all my money on books last month. 5. We shall do the translation in the evening. 6. Students often ask such questions. 7. They sold their house very cheap. 8. They will show us some new magazines. 9. He taught us how to play tennis. 10. We shall hold the meeting tomorrow. 11. Our teacher gives us much homework. 12. Mother will send me to the shop. 13. He left the book on the table. 14. She read a very interesting story to the children. 15. He will give his lecture in English.

Задание 5Переведите предложения, объясните употребление глагольных форм.

1. Thefilmisbeingmuchtalkedabout. 2. The road is still being repaired. 3. An office block is being near our school. 4. Some building work is being done in Park Avenue. 5. A new machine is being tested in the lab. 6. This question is still being discussed. 7. This material is still being used, isn't? 8. Do you know that your voice is being recorded? 9. Is the floor in the sitting room still being polished? 10. The talks are still being held.


Задание 6Отреагируйтенаследующиереплики.

1) e.g.- Don't enter the room -Why? -The floor is being painted there.

1. Don't enter the work-shop. (carry out an experiment) 2. Don't enter the assembly hall.(hold a scientific conference) 3. Don't ride this way. (widen the road) 4. Don't enter the kitchen (install a gas stove) 5. Don't switch on the light. ( fix a lamp) 6. You can't take the tape recorder (repair)7. Don't go to the library today.(remove the furniture)

2) e.g.-What's going on in that room?(pack the things) -The things are being packed there.

1. What's going on in the sitting room? (lay the table) 2. What's going on in the park? (cut the grass) 3. What's going on in the laboratory? (test a new device) 4. What's going on in the garage? (repair the car) 5. What's going on in the lecture hall? (discuss the production plan) 6. What's going on in the office? (polish the floor)

3) e.g.- Can I have a look at the letter?(type) -I'm afraid you can't. It is still being typed.

1. Can I take the documents?(sign) 2. Can I see the visitors? (show round the plant) 3. Can I take the book?(read) 4. Can I use the tape recorder? (repair) 5. CanIstudyhere? (washthefloor)


Задание 7Переведите предложения, объясните употребление глагольных форм.

1. Huge blocks of flats were being built all last year. 2. When we came the pool was being filled with water. 3.1 was told that my article was still being typed. 4. The car was being repaired the whole day yesterday. 5. When I left the meeting, the problem was still being discussed. 6. When I entered the hall, the young specialists were being instructed what to do. 7. At 6 o'clock the floor was still being polished.


Задание 8ПереведитепредложениявPassive Voice.

e.g.- When I entered the hall they were holding a meeting there. When I entered the hall a meeting was being held there.

l. When I joined the visitors, the foreman was showing them round the machine shop. 2. When I entered the room they were still discussing the article. 3. At 5 o'clock the professor was still examining the students. 4. When we arrived in Kiev, they were still building the underground. 5. When I left the laboratory, they were still testing the device.


Задание 9Образуйтепредложение

Образец:Enter the kitchen, cook my favourite dish. When I entered the kitchen, my favourite dish was being cooked.

1. Arrive in Minsk, build the underground. 2. Switch on TV, show an interesting film. 3. Arrive at the airport, see off the delegation. 4. Enter the Personnel Department, interview a new economist. 5. Leavethemeeting, discusstheresolution.


Задание 10Переведите предложения, объясните употребление глагольных форм.

1) l. Mary is proud. Her work has been praised. 2. What's happened?-The window has been broken. 3 Jane hasn't been told about it. 4. Many new buildings have been built in our town lately. 5. His report has been much spoken about. 6. Dick is happy. His dog has been found. 7. There isn't any food left. All of it has been eaten. 8. I can't find my car anywhere. I think it has been stolen. 9. The house looks quite new. It has been painted. 10. Have those letters been typed yet? 11. Have you ever been interviewed on television? 12. Today's post hasn't been brought up yet, has it?

2) 1. All the tickets had already been sold out by the time John and Mary arrived.

2. When I returned home, my wife told me that all the things had already been packed and she was ready to start. 3. The room had been prepared for the Hunts, but they didn't come. 4. I had a letter from my sister some days ago. She wrote she had been accepted to college. 5. By 5 o'clock the experiment had already been completed. 6. They realized that the telegram hadn't been received.

3) 1. The factory will have been completed by the end of the month. 2. The car will have been repaired by Saturday. 3. The work will have been finished be-fore you come back. 4. The documents will have been typed by the time the boss returns.

- I'm afraid you can't. It hasn't been received yet.

1. Can I read the telegram? (not to deliver) 2. Can you give me the book?(not to bring) 3. Can I have dinner? ( not to cook) 4. Can I take the documents? (not to sign) 5. Can I look through your report? 6.Can I use your phone? (not to fix)


Задание 11 Отреагируйтенаследующиереплики.

1) e.g. -Shall I type the letters for you? - They have already been typed. Thank you.

1. Shall I help you unload the car? 2. Shall I introduce you to him? 3. Shall I show you Dick's drawings? 4. Shall I translate the article for you? 5. Shall I test the device? 6. Shall I fix the lamp? 7. Shall I repair the car? 8. Shall I buy the book for you?

2) e.g.-I think I ought to help you find your raincoat.

- Don't worry about it. It has already been found.

1. I think I ought to help you wash the dishes. 2. I think we ought to post this letter to Dr. Davis. 3. I think I ought to repair the typewriter. 5. I think we ought to clear out the garage. 6. I think I ought to clean the flat.

3). e.g.- Can I see today's paper? (receive)

- I'm afraid you can't. It hasn't been received yet.

1. Can I read the telegram? (not to deliver) 2. Can you give me the book?(not to bring) 3. Can I have dinner? ( not to cook) 4. Can I take the documents? (not to sign) 5. Can I look through your report? 6.Can I use your phone? (not to fix)


Задание 12 Отреагируйте на следующие реплики. Используя слова в скобках.

e.g. She was angry, (lose the tickets). -The tickets had been lost.

1. He came too late, (discuss the question)2. She looked happy. (praise for good work) 3. He was surprised. (not, invite) 4. He was worried. (not, send a visa) 5. I had to wait a little. (not, sign the papers) 6. Mr. Smith was angry. (damage his car)


Задание 13 Образуйтепредложения:

1) e.g. He returned to the city. (build the stadium)

- When he returned to the city the stadium had already been built.

1. She came to the institute. (show the film) 2. I got up. (cook breakfast) 3. She came home. (put the child to bed) 4. They arrived at the airport. (announce the flight) 5. He returned to the lab. (finish the test) 6. I rang up the secretary. (sign the documents)

2) e.g. All the books were sold.(by 5 o'clock) -All the books had been sold by 5 o'clock.

l. He was not sent a visa. (by July) 2. The letters were posted. (by the evening) 3. The tests were checked. (by the end of the lesson) 4. The articles were translated (by Friday) 5. The sink was fixed. ( by the time I returned home) 6. The letters were typed. (by the end of the working day)

3)e.g. Everything has been arranged.(I didn't know)

- I didn't know everything had been arranged.

1. The article has been published.(I didn't know) 2. The books haven't been delivered yet. (the librarian said.) 3. The journal was lost a few days ago. (we didn't know) 4. The contract has already been signed. (the boss said) 5. The key was not found. (she told me)


Задание 14 Перефразируйтепредложения,используяFuture Perfect Passive:

e.g. The office will be built in a few months.(by September)

- The office will have been built by September.

1. The tests will be checked in an hour. (by the end of the lesson). 2. The book will be published soon. (by the end of the year) 3. The suitcases will be packed after dinner. ( by the time the taxi arrives) 4. The invitation cards will be sent on Sunday. (by Sunday) 5. The telephone will be repaired on Tuesday. (by Tuesday) 6. The work will be done tomorrow. (by tomorrow) 7. The papers will be signed at 5 o'clock. (by 5 o'clock) 8. The computer will be tested in a few days (by the end of the day)


Задание 15 Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление глаголов с предложным управлением в страдательном залоге.

to follow by – следоватьза

to speak of (about) – говоритьо

to listen to – слушатького-либо

to approve of – одобрятьчто-либо

to rely on (upon) – полагаться (на)

to be based upon (on) – основываться (на)

to refer to – ссылатьсяна

Model The report was followed by a lively discussion.

За докладом последовала оживленная дискуссия.

1. This article is much spoken about. 2. He was listened to with great attention. 3. Theplan has been approved of. 4. The experimental model will be followed by mass production of these mechanisms. 5. The engineer’s calculations can be relied on. 6. This is the principle the electronic computer is based upon. 7. The original design of the new device was already referred to in some journals. 8. My letter was answered at once. 9. We were joined by a group of our students in the Crimea. 10. These events were followed by a wave of strikes. 11. The lecture was attended by many students. 12. The terms were agreed upon. 13. We hope that agreement will be arrived at. 14. He was listened to attentively. 15. This problem was not spoken about. 16. The doctor will be sent for at once. 17. This book was often referred to. 18. He was never heard of. 19. The terms were insisted upon. 20. They are taught French at school. 21. He was offered a new job. 22. We are paid twice a month.


Тема 7

Задание 1 Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I knew she went to bed early. 2. I remembered that he didn’t like opera. 3. He said that many good actors would star in that film. 4. I understood that he had missed the train. 5. She was angry. She said she had been waiting for me for half an hour. 6. My mother said that I could go to Moscow for a week. 7. Yesterday he called me and asked whether I wanted to go to the cinema. 8. When I saw her I understood that she was upset by something. 9. He said that he would join us as soon as he passed his exams. 10. He said that he had no car.


Задание 2 Перепишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени. Обратите внимание на зависимость времени придаточного дополнительного предложения от времени главного.

1. Mike says he is sure Ann and Kate will be excellent guides. 2. He says they have made good progress in England. 3. Oleg says that in a day or two several English students will come to pay a visit to their school and he will probably have to act as interpreter. 4. Ann says she has just met Boris in the street. 5. She says Boris told her a lot of interesting things about his travels in the south. 6. Nick says he is going to the hotel to see his friends, who have just arrived in St. Petersburg from the United States of America. 7. He says they have not been here for a long time. 8. He says they were friends at school. 9. He says he will take them to the theatre on Sunday. 10. They say they will write me a letter when they return home.


Задание 3 Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. He said to me: “Come at nine o’clock, I shall be free at that time and we shall have a nice cup of coffee.” 2. Nina asked her friend: “What did the professor speak about in his lecture?” 3. Ann said: “He is one of the best speakers I have ever heard.” 4. He said: “I seldom went to see my friend in May as I was very busy.” 6. She asked her brother: “Will you manage to get tickets to the Philharmonic on Sunday?” 7. My friend said: “We arrived in Kiev on Saturday and the next day we went to have a look around the city.” 8. She said to me: “ Did you live in St. Petersburg ten years ago?” 9. She said to me: “Are you going to leave St. Petersburg for the summer? “ 10. My friend said to me: “The discussion will still be going on when you return.” 11. He said: “I am proud of my brother who took the first prize at the competition.” 12. She asked me: “How long have you been living in St. Petersburg?” 13. She said: “He has just left.” 14. He asked me: “When will your parents arrive in St. Petersburg?” 15. She said to me: “Were you present at the meeting yesterday?”


Задание 4 Употребите следующие предложения как придаточные дополнительные, в роли главных используя предложения, данные в скобках. Сдвигайте времена в соответствии с правилом согласования времен.

1. The children are playing in the yard. (She wondered). 2. She knows English very well. (I supposed). 3. She made no mistakes in her dictation. (She was glad). 4. He works at his English hard. (I knew). 5. My cousin has received a very interesting offer from his firm. (I learnt). 6. He is painting a new picture. (We heard). 7. My friend has never been to Washington. (1 knew). 8. She never drinks milk. (I was told). 9. They (to choose) the candidate after the lecture. (He asked). 10. She worked in the library yesterday. (The teacher wanted to know).


Задание 5 Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи. Переведите их на русский язык.

1."Have you got a Russian-English dictionary?" he asked me. "Can you let me have it for this evening? I must do some very difficult translation." "All right," said I. "I won't need it tonight." 2. "I thought about your friend," the secretary said to me . "He has just graduated from college, but he is already a very skillful specialist." 3. "Don't forget to bring your exercise-books tomorrow," said the teacher to us." You are going to write a very important paper."


Задание 6 Передайтеданныепредложениявкосвеннуюречь.

a) He said: 1.“I hope to pass the examination”. 2.“The teacher is listening to us”. 3.“I have been to New York”. 4.“I made no mistakes in the last dictation”. 5.“I have read many English books”. 6.“My brother goes to bed early”. 7.“There are three main systems of control of education in the USA”.

b) She asked: 1.“What is the capital of the United states”? 2.“Who are you writing a letter to”? 3.“When are you going to have dinner”? 4.“Do you come to school by bus or by foot”?5.“Have you got a dictionary”? 6.“Will he return on Monday”? 7.“What do you know about the country”? 8.“Shall we begin the concert if they don’t come”?

c) They ordered: 1.“Do it immediately”! 2.“Give me your dictionary”! 3.“Learn the poem by heart”! 4.“Don’t speak loudly”! 5.“Don’t go out without your coat”!

Тема 11



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