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Task 7. Put verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

The brilliant Spanish architect and sculptor Antonio Gaudi (1852–1926) (to be) one of the most original talents of all time, who (to transform) buildings into curving colorful constructions. Gaudi's talent ( to develope) with the rise of Modernismo. His first major work (to be) the Palau Güell (1889), a house in the city centre. It's roof (get) a colorful parapet decorated with glazed ceramic tiles.

Gaudi (to design) 2 blocks of flats, which are like nothing else in the world. Casa Batlló (1906) is (knew) as the House of Bones. Its façade looks like the skin of a lizard; its balconies look as if they are (make) of bones of a mythical creature with claws.

In 1882, Antonio Gaudi (give up) all other work so as to devote himself exclusively to his major building – the Church of the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia) in Barcelona. Gaudi (to try) to join architecture and nature, bringing man closer to God.



Task 8. Speak on the topic: "I've chosen architecture as a career because…" Highlight at least 5 points which make profession so attractive.

Unit 3.

Read the text using a dictionary. Give your reason that architect must possess the knowledge in different sciences

Architectural Planning

The architect usually begins to work when the site type and cost of a building have been determined. Planning the environment is at once hindrance and a help, and the architect seeks both to invite its aid and to repel its attacks. To make building habitable and comfortable, he must control the effects of heat, cold, light, air, moisture, and dryness and foresee destructive potentialities such as fire, earthquake, flood, and disease. The placement and form of buildings in relation to their sites, the distribution of spaces within buildings, and other planning devices discussed below are fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture.

Orientation. The arrangement of the axis of buildings and their parts is a device for controlling the effects of sun, wind, and rainfall. Within buildings, the axis and placement of each space determine the amount of sun it receives. Orientation may control air for circulation and reduce the disadvantages of wind, rain, and snow. The characteristics of the immediate environment also influence orientation: trees, land formation, and other buildings create shade and reduce or intensify wind, while bodies of water produce moisture and reflect the sun.

Architectural forms. Planning may control the environment by the design of architectural forms that may modify the effect of natural forces.

Color. Color has a practical planning function as well as expressive quality because of the range of its reflection and its absorption of solar rays. Since light color reflects heat and dark colors adsorb it, the choice of materials and is an pigments is an effective tool of environmental control.

Materials and techniques. The choice of materials is conditioned by their own ability to withstand the environment as well as by properties that make them useful to human being. One of the architect's jobs is to find a successful solution to both conditions; to balance the physical and economic advantages of wood against the possibility of fire, and mold, the weather resistance of glass and light metals against their high thermal conductivity, and many similar conflicts.

Interior control. The control of the environment through the design of the plan and the outer shell of a building cannot be complete since extremes of heat and cold, light, and sounds penetrate into the interior, where they can be further modified by the planning of spaces and by conditioning devices. Temperature, light and sound are all subject to control by the size and shape of interior spaces, the way in which the spaces are connected, and the materials employed for floors, walls, ceilings, and furnishings. Today, heating, insulation, air conditioning, lighting, and acoustical methods have become basic parts of the architectural program.

Planning for use. While environmental planning producer comfort for the senses (sight, feeling, hearing) and reflexes (respiration), planning for use or function is concerned with convenience of movement and rest.

Differentiation. The number of functions requiring distinct kinds of space within a building depends not only upon the type of building but also upon the requirements of the culture and the habits and activities of the individual patrons. A primitive house has a single room with a hearth area, and a modern one has separate areas for cooking, eating, sleeping, washing, storage, and recreation. A meeting-houses with a single hall is sufficient for Quaker religious services, while a Roman Catholic cathedral may require a nave, aisles, choir, apse, chapels, crypt, sacristy, and ambulatory.

Economic planning. Major expenses in buildings are for land, materials, and labor. In each case they are high when the commodity is scare and low when it is abundant, and they influence planning more directly when they become restrictive. When land coverage is limited, it is usually necessary to design in height the space that otherwise would be planned in breadth and depth, as in the ancient Roman insula (apartment houses) or the modern skyscraper. When the choice of materials is influenced by cost, all phases of architectural design are affected, since the planning procedure, the technique, and the form of buildings are dependent on materials. High labor cost influence the choice of techniques and, consequently, of materials.



1.site место

2.to foresee предвидят

3. destructive potentialities разрушительные потенциальные возможности

4.axis ось

5.absorption поглощение

6.hindrance помеха 7.mold плесень

8.penetrate проникать

9. acoustical акустический

10. respiration дыхание

11.nave неф

12.aisle боковой неф

13.apse апсида 14.chapel часовня 15.crypt склеп

16.sacristy ризница

17.ambulatory крытая галерея

18. abundant богатый, изобильный

19. restrictive строгий

20. breadth широта

21. dome купол, свод, верх

Task 1. Choose the right word:

1. The placement and form of buildings in relation to their… is one of the fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture.

a) square b) comfort c) sites


2. The arrangement of the.....of buildings and their parts controls the effects of sun, wind and rainfall.

a) rooms b) axis c) spaces


3. The characteristics of the immediate … also influence orientation.

a) environment b) territory c) building


4. Bodies of water produce … and reflect the sun.

a) shade b) moisture c) wind


5. Color has a practical planning … and expressive quality.

a) choice b) feature c) function


6. Planning for use is concerned with convenience of … and rest.

a) movement b) parts c) requirements


7. Major expenses in building are for …, materials, and labor.

a) habits b) land c) phase

Task 2. Complete the sentences:

1) The architect usually begins to work when …

a) a project of a building has been made b) the site type and cost of a building have been determined c) the choice of materials has been made


2) The effect of sun, wind and rainfall are controlled by …

a) the height of a building b) a esthetical usage of spaces c) the arrangements of the axes of buildings and their parts


3) The choice of materials and pigments is …

a) an effective tool of environmental control b) a device for distribution of spaces c) not connected with the function of a building


4) Extremes of heat and cold, light and sounds …

a) are regulated by fundamental elements of the aesthetics of architecture b) penetrate into the interior c) are of less importance for interior control


5) The number of functions depends not only upon the type of building but also upon…

a) the site type b) the amount of sun it receives c) the requirements of the culture and the habits and activities of the individual patrons

Task 3. Replace the words and word combinations in italics (A) by their contextual synonyms (B):

A: 1) The natural environment is at once a hindrance and a help, and the architect seeksboth to invite its aid repel its attacks.

2) The architect must foresee destructive potentialities such as fire, earthquake, flood, and disease.

3) The placement and form of buildings in relation to their sites, the distribution of space within buildings, and other planning devices are fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture.

4) Orientation may control air for circulation and reduce the disadvantages of wind, rain, and snow.

5) Planning may control the environment by the design of architectural forms that may modify the effect of natural forces.

6) The choice of materials is conditioned by their own ability to withstand the environment as well as by properties that make them useful to human beings.

7) One of the architect's jobs is to find a successful solution to both conditions.


B: to look for, to resist, to diminish, people, subversive, to vary, basic, a task

Task 4. Answer the questions:

1) When does the architect begin to work on the project?

2) What are the main aspects of architectural planning?

3) What are the fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture?

4) What must the architect control to make buildings habitable and comfortable?

5) What is the planning for use concerned with?

6) What are the major expenses in building?


Task 5. Give the English equivalents:отразить атаку; пригодный для жилья; расположение, положение; результаты воздействия солнца, ветра и дождя; создавать влажность и отражать солнце; важное (эффективное) средство контроля; выбор материалов для строительства; способность противостоять воздействиям окружающей среды; отопление, изоляция, кондиционирование; боковой неф; склеп, ризница, часовня; расходы; влиять на выбор материалов; зависеть от требований заказчика



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