Сделай Сам Свою Работу на 5

Mind: - say that / tell smb. that – and the Sequence of tenses

1 A: She likes you. – B: Does she? Are you sure?

A: Yes, she told me that she liked you.

2 A: He is married. – B: Is he? Are you sure?

A: Yes, he told that he …

3 A: She can play tennis. – B: Can she? Are you sure?

A: Yes, she said that

4 A: They are from Italy. – B: Are they? Are you sure?

A: Yes, they told me that …

5 A: She has got a job. - B: Has she? Are you sure?

A: …

6 A: They will help us. – B: …..

A: …….

7 A: He is going to India. – B: …

A: ……

8 A: She works in a bank. – B: …

A: ……..

9 A: They live in London. – B: ….

A: …….

10 A: She is studying art. – B: …..

A: ……


XI. A) Read the following dialogue:

A van driver and a girl on a motor-bike have had an accident.

Girl: What a stupid thing to do! You stopped without warning!

Driver: I had to stop! A dog was running across the road. But you weren’t looking. And now my van has badly damaged!

Girl: I didn’t see a dog! I will write down your name and insurance number.My light is broken and the bike will not start.

Driver: It only needs a bit of paint. It can be fixed in no time. But the back of my van is a mess. The repairs will cost hundreds of pounds.


Amanda, a passerby, heard everything they were saying. Later, she told Nick what she heard:


B) Retell the dialogue as Amanda:

The girl said that the driver had stopped without warning. The driver said that he … to stop because a dog … across the road. …


XII. Work in pairs. Read the list containing examples of public behaviour (поведение в общественном месте). Choose three of the most irritating (раздражающий) and three of the least irritating behaviours:

1. Drinking beer in the street.

2. Forgetting to say«Thank you» and «Sorry».

3. Throwing litter out of your car window.

4. Listening to loud music in your car.

5. Sticking chewing gum everywhere and dropping it in the streets.

6. Swearing (ругаться) in public places.

7. Spitting (плеваться) in the streets.

8. Chewing (жевать) food with your mouth open.

9. Talking loudly on a cell phone in a public place.

10. Cycling through phone ringers (перезванивать по входящим звонкам) in a public place.

11. Smoking while walking in crowded streets.

12. Not cleaning up after your dog in public areas.

13. Queue jumping (не соблюдать очередь).

14. Blowing one’s nose (высмаркиваться) in public.

15. Coughing (кашлять) and yawning (зевать) with your mouth open on public transport.

16. Being rude to other people.

17. Using the “f” word as part of normal conversation.


XIII.What irritates you in people’s behaviour? Listen (disk 045) to a radio pragramme about annoying public behaviour and say which of the speakers you mostly agree with:

Vera (Russia), Marty (Finland), Akhmad (Dubai), Margo (Switzerland), Naomi (Nigeria), Paul (the UK), Dee (the United States), Timothy (the UK)

XIV. Listen to the radio programme again and tick the ideas that have been mentioned in it using the expressions above.

XV. Listen to the programme again and write the name of the speaker opposite his/her phrase expressing annoyance (выражающая раздражение):


ñ I have seeing people ... – Мне приходилось видеть как люди …

ñ I find it very rude when ... – Мне кажется очень грубым, когда …

ñ I am sick to death of people … - Мне до смерти надоели люди …

ñ I think it is incredibly rude ... - Я считаю чрезвычайно грубым …

ñ And the absolute worst is when … - А самое наихудшее это когда …

ñ It annoys me when people … - Меня раздражает, когда люди …

ñ What drives me crazy … - Что меня сводит с ума, это …


XVI. Read the radio programme and prepare good reading:

Host:Today in our programme we are talking about irritating public behaviour. Everywhere in the world, there are rules regulating our behaviour. We usually know which manners are appreciated (ценятся) and which are not. But every country and culture is different. So what irritates you? Let’s listen to what young people from different countries have to say. Let’s start with Vera from Russia.

Vera:I live in Moscow and people here don’t think it’s a problem to smoke in crowded streets while walking. Other bad manners include swearing in public (in Russian, bad words can be very foul – отвратительный), drinking beer in the street and being rude to other people.

Host:Thanks a lot. And now, Marty from Finland.

Marty:I hate seeing young people drinking in the streets of my hometown. Cheep beer is causing (является причиной) lots of touble here.

Host:Thank you, Marty. And now we have Akhmad from Dubai.

Akhmad:I hate queue-jumpers, especially in traffic. It’s like they’re saying:”My time is more important than everyone else’s!”

Host:And now Margo from Switzerland.

Margo:I am sick to death of people using the “f” word as part of normal conversation. In a queue the other day (на днях), a man behind me who was talking to a woman used it thirteen times in less than three minutes. It was very distracting (расстраивающий)!

Host:OK, and now let’s hear an opinion from Nigeria. Naomi, welcome!

Naomi:Well, back in Nigeria, we always had to step away from others when blowing our nose, but here in the US it is acceptable (приемлемо) to do even while eating.

Host:Our next visitor is Paul from the UK. What do you find most irritating?

Paul:Chewing food with your mouth open. This is a very unpleasant experience for those who have to watch and listen to the chewer, but I just tend to try to move away whenever possible.

Host:And now to get an opinion from the United States. Dee, it’s your turn!

Dee:I live in Staten Island in the US. I think it is incredibly rude to talk loudly on a cell phone in a public place, like in a restaurant or on a train. And the absolute worst is when people cycle through their phone ringers. Not everyone wants to hear the details of your conversation or the various ringers on your phone. Why should you force it on everybody else?

Host:And our last guest is from Britain again. Timothy, what do you think?

Timothy:What drives me crazy are those idiots with booming music playing in their cars thinking they look “reeeel” cool. Or people spitting every few seconds thinking it makes them look tough (круто). Then there’re people who stick chewing gum all over the place and drop it in the streets. Or people who talk loudly on their mobile phones when they’re sitting right next to you. And worst of all are the people who let their dogs mess (гадить) in public areas and don’t clean up after them. Unfortunately, this is how our socirty is going. Absolutely no respect or consideration (принятие во внимание) for others. And what I can’t believe is that people actually think this sort of behaviour is acceptable.



XVII. Work in groups of three. Discuss the radio programme using the rule of the sequence of tenses:

Models: A: Does Vera live in Moscow? A: They are talking about irritating manners.

B: What did A ask? B: What did A say?

C: A asked if Vera lived in Moscow. C: A said they were talking about irritating



1. In Russian bad words can be very foul (непристойный).

2. What country is Martin from?

3. Cheap beer in Finland is causing lots of trouble there.

4. Is Akhmad from Dubai?

5. Akhmad hates queque-jumpers (лихачи) in traffic.

6. Listen to Naomi’s opinion.

7. Did Naoimi say about bad manners in Nigeria or the USA?

8. What does Paul find most irritating?

9. Paul hates watching and listening to the chewers.

10. Dee from America doesn’t like people speaking on a cell phone in public.

11. Do you speak loudly on your mobile in a bus?

12. Loud music in cars disturbs (беспокоит) everyone at night.

13. Don't stick chewing gum here!

XVIII. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions:

1. Have you ever been in a place that has a very different culture from your own (abroad, a remote (отдаленное) place, someone's home)?

2. Was there anything you found shocking?

3. What did it make you feel so?


XIX. Read the text and choose the sentence which best summarises it:

1. Everyone experiences culture shock and it is impossible to do anything about it.

2. Although it’s impossible to avoid culture shock, you can prepare for it so as not to suffer (чтобы не страдать) too much.

3. If you prepare properly, you will never experience any culture shock.


Part III

What is a culture shock?

1. Living in a new culture can be exciting and intellectually stimulating. It can also be frustrating (разочаровывающий). It is one thing to visit a country, and it is quite another to live there and function (действовать) according to a different, and sometimes, mysterious set of norms (непостижимый свод правил).

2. The difficulties that you experience as you get used (привыкаете) to a new society can be a result of what is called «culture shock». Most experts agree that culture shock is inevitable (неизбежный) in one form or another.

3. Participation in an exchange programme provides a rare opportunity for you to begin to know another society from within (изнутри). But it involves (предполагает) certain responsibilities (ответственности). The most important one is to adapt one’s behaviour to the customs of the host country. This is not to deny (отказываться от) one’s own culture but to respect that of others.

4. Another, even more subtle (утонченная), responsibility you have is to remain open in order to become aware of similarities (сходства) and differences, and to learn rather than to judge (судить). Be aware that this could be the most rewarding (стоящий) experience in your education.

5. The traveller who doesn’t keep his or her mind open, and doesn’t make any effort to try to understand a foreign culture, is always going to be in a state of shock. Such people should stay at home, for (так как) if they hold onto their own attitudes (придерживаются только своих взглядов), they will never change! It is important to be open toward the culture into which you are going, to try to get rid of (чтобы освободится от) stereotypes, and to read as much as you can about the culture before your departure (отъезд).

6. But even with this preparation it is inevitable that you will experience some symptoms of culture shock. If you understand what’s actually happening to you and think about its possible causes (причины), you can decrease (уменьшить) the effects of culture shock.


XX. Fill in each blank with one word according to the text:

1. Living in another country can be …, … … and … .

2. It is one thing to … a country, and it is quite another thing to … there.

3. Experts agree that … … is inevitable.

4. Living in another culture involves certain … .

5. The first responsibility is to adapt yourself to … of the host country.

6. The second responsibility is to remain … .

7. In a host country you shouldn’t judge, but you should … the culture of this country.

8. You must keep your … open.

9. You should … as much as you can about the culture before your departure.

10. Even if you learn much about the country you are going to visit, you will experience some … of culture shock.

XXI. One of the following statements is not true. Find it:

11. Living in a foreign country on your own (самостоятельно) differs a lot

from visiting it as a tourist.

2. To feel good in a different culture you need to forget about your own.o the text


3. Overcoming difficulties connected with culture shock can be very rewarding.


4. If you are not prepared to make some effort to understand a different culture, you’d better


stay at home.


5. If you learn as much as you can about the culture you are going to live in, you will help


yourself to overcome culture shock.


XXII. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions:

1. Do you think there are great differences between Eastern and Western ways of life?

2. Does a certain lifestyle depend on the geographical position of a country?

3. Do you think people’s lifestyles in most countries have changed recently?



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