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WHATEVER else sustained the British Empire tor so long, it was not Britain’s education system. Its modern one still performs relatively poorly by most international comparisons. And unfortunately it exported the shortcomings of its earlier versions to many of its colonies, with Hong Kong suffering more than most Kaiming Cheng, professor of education at the University of Hong Kong, has shown that in 1999. 23,000 candidates (18% of the total) sitting the major public examination at the end of secondary education in the former colony obtained no pass grades. They were “not fit tor further studies and they are not employable.”

The defects in both Britain’s and Hong Kong’s education systems were disguised by the fact that most people were employed in the low-skill, mass-manufacturing sector that predominated in both countries. They did not seem to need much education. But in the past 20 years, Hong Kong and Britain have lost more jobs in manufacturing than anywhere else apart from South Africa. According to the World Bank, in 1999 only 20% of Hong Kong’s workforce was in the manufacturing sector, and this is expected to fall even further to 16% in 2005. As Hong Kong has de-industrialised, its education system has been exposed as inadequate to compete in what educationalists call the “knowledge economy”.


The British woke up to this problem in the 1990s. Tony Blair’s rallying cry for his first Labour government was “education, education, education”. And it is only since the handover ofthe colony to China in 1997 that the new Hong Kong government has started to tackle this aspect of the colonial legacy. Education reform is one of the few areas where the government of the special administrative region enjoys widespread support.

In September 2000, Hong Kong’s government published its reform proposals for the education system. The emphasis is now very much on a “lifelong learning society”, to enable everyone toacquire new skills even after they have left school. Hong Kong is aiming to get away from itsold system of learning by rote, in which pupils were endlessly drilled for a few very academic exams. The emphasis now is on encouraging pupils to think tor themselves, and todevelop flexible learning skills that will enable 60% of 18-30 year olds to be in tertiary education by 2010.

If Hong Kong is to retain its status as a major economic power in Asia, everyone agreed that modernising the archaic British education system is essential. A close observer of the problem, not usually given to exaggeration, said, “Hong Kong’s survival is at stake.”

The Economist

February 23 2003

Note: manufacturing sector of industry – making articles by physical labour or machinery usually in large quontaties= mechanical production

Упражнение VI.Переведите на слух:

Частные платные школы, tuition and board payment, tutor,сверка по списку, распорядок дня, единый образовательный стандарт, to learn by rote, гребля, хоккей на траве, unforgiving linoleum floors, министр образования теневого кабинета, кризис бюджета, redundancy, shortcomings, to obtain no pass grades.


Упражнение VII.Запишите под диктовку цифры и прочтите их по-английски:

21, 34, 69, 24, 19, 18, 61, 17, 73, 84, 16, 71, 82, 93, 7, 66, 78, 82, 93, 99, 68, 44, 55, 70, 60, 80, 90, 13, 14, 99, 38, 28, 49, 75, 77, 97, 10, 15, 66, 71, 30, 64, 87, 18, 29, 44, 57, 61, 24, 84, 18.


- How high can you count in English? - One, two, three ... ten, Jack, Queen, and King.



Толковые одноязычные словари

Наиболее точное представление о смысловой структуре и употреблении иностранных слов переводчик может получить, обратившись к толковым одноязычным словарям конкретного иностранного языка.

Английские одноязычные словари. Переводчик в своей работе должен решать задачу двоякого рода: во-первых, выяснить значение неизвестного ему иностранного слова или второстепенное значение слова известного, а, во-вторых, получить сведения об оттенках значения и сочетаемости слова, чтобы точно его употреблять

В первом случае переводчику нужен как можно более полный словарь, такой, например, как Webster’s 3rd New International Dictionary (600.000 слов), Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (two volumes), American Heritage Dictionary (200.000). Данные словари являются самыми полными из современных словарей. Впрочем, для указанной цели подходят и средние по объему словари, такие, например, как Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary(150.000) или Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English (75.000). Эти словари ориентированы прежде всего на толкование слов, а не на их употребление. При этом в словаре Concise Oxford даются наиболее компактные, универсальные определения слов, что позволяет понять слова в их целостности.

Во втором случае (когда необходимо уяснить сочетаемость слов) предпочтительно пользоваться словарями, ориентированными на употребление; слов в тексте. Эти словари снабжены обширным аппаратом помет, которые указывают на синтаксическую функцию слов, включают большое количество примеров.


Урок 5

University education



Chancellorканцлер (номинальный глава университета,

назначается пожизненно, бывает в университете лишь на торжественныхцеремониях 1 2 раза в год)

М. P. (Member of Parliament) член парламента

principal п. ректор университета (колледжа)

proctor п. проктор, надзиратель в университете

(обычно в Оксфордском, Кембриджском)

tutor п. руководитель группы студентов, наставник

tutorial п. практические занятия, консультации

don, fellowпреподаватель (разг.)

to staff укомплектовывать штаты

to allocate ассигновать

research work научно-исследовательская работа

degree п. диплом

bachelor’s degree степень бакалавра

(a first university degree in

any of several subjects)

master’s degree ученая степень магистра

doctor’s degree, syn. Doctorate ученая степень доктора

dissertation n. студенческая работа во время учебы на

какую-либо самостоятельно выбранную тему

(a written treatment of a subject

by a University student where s/he

gives his opinion supported by

reasonable argument)

grant п. стипендия (обычно выплачивается студентам из средств государственного бюджета)

(money given, esp. by the stale to a

university or to a student during a

period of study; e, g. She finds it

difficult to live on her grant)

universal state financed high всеобщее высшее образование, финансируемое

education из государственного бюджета

rent n. арендная плата

(a stated sum of money paid regularly

for the use room, television set, etc.)

tuition п. плата за обучение

(payment for teaching: e. g.

He has already paid a year’s

tuition in physics)

loan п. что-л. данное взаймы или во временное

(something which is lent, esp money) пользование (заём, ссуда),

low-interest loans заём по низким процентам

(e. g. How much interest do they

charge on loans?)

thesis п. диссертация

(е.g. a doctoral thesis: a long piece

of writing on a particular subject

written for a higher university degree)

modest means-tested student grants стипендия, выдаваемая в зависимости от

средств семьи студента

(an inquiry into the amount of money

someone has; esp. to find out if a student

has so little that s/he can be given some


campus n. территория университета, колледжа

(включает здание университета, церковь-капеллу, парк спортивные сооружения и т.д.)

academic dress университетская форма

chapel n. церковь (капелла) (обычно при учебном


to fine оштрафовать

to rusticate временно исключить из университета

St Andrews university старейший в Шотландии университет,

основанный в 1411 году, – Сент-Эндрус

Упражнение I.Тексты 1, 2, 3, 4 и 5 для перевода с листа по цепочке:

Текст 1


For most people in Great Britain the word ‘University’ means either Oxford or Cambridge although there are 45 universities in the country.

The city of Oxford lies notfar from London. There is no single building which is the University in Oxford. There are 30 colleges instead which are spread all over thecity and which together make up a university where 10 000 students study.

The head of the University as a whole is the Chancellor. He is usually a well-known figure in public life, an M.P. who lives in London and plays only a small part in the running of the University.

The actual head is the Vice-Chancellor. He deals with the Questions of finance, staffing, relations with trade-unions, with government and outside world. The Vice-Chancellor is chosen from among the heads of the 30 colleges who are called the principals of colleges.

Each of the 30 colleges specializes in a different field. Religion, however, is a compulsory subject in every college.

The names of the colleges show this close link of the University with the Church: Christ Church College, All Souls College, Jesus College, St. Anne’s College, St. Catherine’s College and so on.

Note: When both universities are mentioned the order is ‘Oxford and Cambridge’. It is a custom of speech since Oxford is the older of the two universities.


Текст 2

Most colleges are independent of the British government and must have their own financial resources to draw upon since the government allocates none. Colleges’ money comes from the students’ tuition fees which are very high in Oxford as well as from investments, wills, gifts, “generosity and benefaction” of the wealthier members of a particular college. For instance, Christ Church College accepts annually gifts from the Queen thankful to the College for her father, King Charles I who lived here during the war. Because of the lack of adequate financial backing no new buildings were errected on the campuses of most colleges during several centuries and no repair work was done.

In Britain the university year is from October to June, with three terms from eight to twelve weeks. Both in Oxford and Cambridge each student has a tutor to whom he goes every week: for a tutorial. At the tutorial they discuss the work in hand – generally an essay which the student has written that week. He also has some eight lectures a week which are not compulsory.


Текст 3

Graduating or gaining a degree is the aim of all university students. To get a degree, students usually have to stay at university for at least three years, during which time they have to sit preliminary examinations as well as the final ones at the end of the course.

The first degree given a person by a college is that of a Bachelor. The Bachelor’s degree, which is most common in Britain, can be taken in a number of subjects. Arts degrees, for instance, may be taken in subjects ranging from English literature, classics and history to foreign languages. A person who has obtained the first Arts degree will be known as a Bachelor of Arts. A Science degree can be taken in physics, mathematics, engineering economics. A person who has been given this degree is called a Bachelor of Science.

Same graduates then go on to more specialised research work in their own subject, and after submittingthe results oh their work, in the form of a thesis they may obtain either the Master's degree or a Doctorate – the highest degree given by a University

College graduates are not guaranteed any jobs. They have to recourse to public and private employment agencies to get a job which with unemployment in the country is not an easy thing.


Текст 4

The professors and lecturers of the University (“fellows”) as well as the students (“undergraduates”) must wear academic dress at lectures, in the university dining room, in Chapel and in the town streets after dark.

There is a special official in Oxford known as the “Proctor”, whose duty is to see that this rule is obeyed.

Wearing his academic dress he walks about the chief streets of the town, accompanied by two college servants who are known as his bulldogs. If a student is seen, without his cap or gown the bulldogs are told to catch him. When caught thestudent is taken to the Proctor who asks, “Your name and college, sir?” The student has to visit the principal of his college later, who orders him to pay a fine. If the rule is disobeyed several times the principal may rusticate a student.


Note: The academic dress includes such necessary articles as a cap, a black gown and a white tie. The origin of the dress goes to the Middle Ages.

Текст 5

The English are great lovers of sports. So each college has its teams for all main sports, the most popular of which are rowing and cricket.

The University Boat Races are the oldest of the sporting competitions between Oxford and Cambridge. The name given to the race competitions in the Summer Term is May Week. Somebody once observed that it is called May Week because it’s held in June and lasts a fortnight.

The cricket sporting competitions between Oxford and Cambridgeare held in September (Michaelmas Term).


Упражнение II.Текст 6 для абзацно-фразового перевода с листа

Текст 6


Education Correspondent


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