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Plan of training sessions

Plans of seminar (practical) training

Lesson Plans in the framework of an independent student work under the guidance of a teacher (SWT) with the methodological guidelines

1. The active forms of tourism

The role of tourism as a sport

The history of the development of sports tourism

Types of tourismПрактическое занятие


Studying the history of the development of tourism

Formation of knowledge on the classification of tourism

The impact of tourism on the human body

2 Sport tourism

The main content of sports tourism

Features of sports tourism

Physical activities in the sports tourism


Training session

Overcoming obstacles as a form of exercise.

Indicators of readiness of tourists to the sports complex campaigns.

Influence of physical and intelligence on the performance of athletes in sports

3.Recreational tourism as a form of active recreation

Feature recreational tourism

factors of recreational tourism.

Tasks of recreational tourism

Training session

Signs of physical recreation

The differences in the influence of outdoor activities and physical exercise on the functionality of the human

Analysis of options for physical activity

Preparing athletes tourists

The main objectives and principles of the tourism training

Methods for the preparation of tourist

The content of the tourism training

Types of tourism training

Training session

What is the preparation of Tourism

Teaching methods in the preparation of the tourist

The components of the tourism training

5.Organization and planning of training

Organization of trainings

training cycle

Stage of sports perfection.

Training session

The planned schedule of workouts

Features of training cycles

Loads and recovery tools

6. Features of physical preparation tourists

Endurance. Development of Power

The mobility in the joints. Speed of movement

Symptoms of fatigue after loads of various sizes.

Practical lesson

The physical qualities of sportsmen tourists

How to improve the level of specialized training

Complexes of physical exercises for employment on the ground

7. Features of psychological preparation tourists

Development and improvement of special mental qualities tourists.

Psychological advice to tourists.

Principles of psychological perfection

Practical lesson

How are developing social and mental qualities of tourists.

Management of the mental state of the tourist

Psychological fatigue and how to avoid it.

8. Integral training in sports tourism

Features integrated training.

Dangers of hiking trails objective and subjective.

Practical lesson

The essence and main features of the integrated training

The technique of acclimatization.

Modes of sports trips, energy.

Sections of safety rules.

9. Equipment sports tourism

Basic Concepts

Technique of overcoming natural obstacles

Engineering insurance

Technique bivouac works

Technique rescue

Technique orienteering

Technique crossings

Practical lesson

Testing technology to overcome natural obstacles

Testing equipment insurance

Testing technology bivouac works

Testing equipment crossings

Terrain orientation

10Tactics sports tourism

Sport technology as the art of wrestling

Tactical training for the campaign

Choosing search and rescue work

Practice (out of university)

Evaluation of tactical readiness.

Components of tactics and organization of sports trips.

Decision-making in non-standard situations.

Medical-pedagogical observation, control and self-control of travelers

Medical control.

Self-control of tourists

Loads for training.

Training session

The objectives of medical-pedagogical supervision.

Evaluation of physical condition

Methodical requirements for self-control.

Medical-pedagogical observation, control and self-control of travelers

Medical control.

Self-control of tourists

Loads for training.

Training session

The objectives of medical-pedagogical supervision.

Evaluation of physical condition

Methodical requirements for self-control.

Organization and planning of training 6 hours


Organization of trainings

Training cycle

Stage of sports perfection

The main provisions of classification standards and competition rules for tourist all-round

The main provisions of the rules.

Codex of travelers

The main provisions of classification standards and competition rules for tourist all-round

Requirements for participants and managers.

Methodical recommendations for the Study of Discipline

«Technique and tactics of active types of tourism»


Review of the conducted classes.

Review of the conducted is the most important type of independent work. The deeper and more fully worked through the material, the better performing other kinds of independent work. The systematic, regular work on the lecture material passed from the first class, is a prerequisite for understanding the materials follow the lectures and learning materials and practical labs.

Before reviewing the conducted lessons students should:

Determine the workplace;

Resort, if the house is not the proper conditions for the work, to the services of the reading room of the University Library or other libraries;

Have lecture notes;

Have syllabus;

Have recommended literature (textbooks, manuals), if necessary, to have the necessary supplies and materials.

Method of the work:

It is advisable to work on the lecture material is fresh in memory (can not be postponed, because the content of the lecture will be forgotten);

While working on the synopsis, it is useful to refer to the literature (it will need when preparing for examinations) and make the necessary additions and possibly fix;

Work on the topic should continue to fully understand and memorize the material;

The work on case studies and completed tasks, presented in textbooks and manuals, to complete the development of methods for their solution;

If the work on the topic remain vague questions, ask their teachers for the next lecture.

Preparation for training sessions.For many disciplines of practical training after the lectures are the main views of academic work. They complement the lecture course, contribute to the consolidation of this science to practice.

In preparation for the practical training it is necessary:

• Guided by considerations that the benefits of employment will be greater than in the more productive you will be able to work independently in the classroom;

• Constantly and seriously preparing for the sessions;

• Back to the previous themes of the course and remember the fundamentals of the theory, they remain in the memory;

• In the process of working out the theoretical part of the course on the theme of employment, it is necessary to work out the basic tenets of the theory, see examples from textbooks;

• If necessary, prepare to engage materials.

Good preparation for classes allows you to work actively in the audience and get the most satisfaction from it.

Preparing for the Colloquium. In some disciplines to assess the degree of assimilation of the theoretical section of the course, held a colloquium (interview). Hence, the theoretical material on the issues put to the colloquium, to be repeated once again.

Methodical recommendations for the implementation of students' independent work

Independent work of students is an important factor for the integrated assessment of the quality of the educational process, influencing the depth and strength of the acquired knowledge and skills, promotes the development of students' ability to self-education and self-development, the needs of the creative mastery of knowledge in their practice.


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