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Translate the following lexical units from the text from English into Russian, prepare questions with these lexical units, based on the text

to turn a trademark into a brand; accompanying materials; to carry out a sound testing; a product line; to explain one’s demand; sales promotion strategy; POS (point-of-sale) materials; to work out the positions of the market; advertising expenses; patenting; to cater for; comparative analysis; advertising strategies; competitive advantages of the product; to launch the product; implementation; patent testing; BTL (below-the-line) concept; joint efforts; to make a test purchase; positioning of the product; product life cycle; market volume.


Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English, restore the context of the their use

проведение, совершить пробную покупку, расходы на рекламу, позиционирование продукта, идея внутреннего рекламирования, оформление патента, объем рынка, сопровождающие материалы, сравнительный анализ, стратегия рекламы, объяснять потребности, конкурентное преимущество товара, провести звуковое испытание, патентное тестирование, стратегия по продвижению товара, средства места продажи, совместные усилия, разработать рыночную позицию (состояние рынка), линия продукта, продумывать, обслуживать, запустить товар, обратить торговую марку в бренд, жизненный цикл товара

Define the following notions and use them in the examples of your own

· advertising expenses

· sales promotion strategy

· market volume

· competitive advantages of the product

· positioning of the product

· patent testing

· BTL (below-the-line) concept

· POS (point-of-sale) materials



After-reading questions


Answer the following questions

1. How many stages does the work of an ad agency consist of?

2. Why is it so necessary for a product to go through all these stages?

3. What are clients and advertisers’ actions at the first stage?

4. Who provides the advertisers with the information about competitive products at the second stage?

5. What particular information is provided?

6. How is the target group analyzed at the third stage? What for?

7. What is one of the most important factors of sales promotion strategy?

8. What for is sound testing carried out?

9. What is a key factor in turning trademark into a brand?



Talking Point


Discuss the following questions in groups of 3 or 4. Choose the speaker who will represent your ideas to the class. Share your ideas with the class.

1. What particular actions does an advertiser implement at each stage? Work out a list of such actions, explain each of them in detail.

2. If you were responsible for the work of an ad agency how would you organize it? Think of each stage thoroughly!





1. Use the following words and word-combinations, prepare a summary of the text

to turn a trademark into a brand

product life cycle

competitive advantages of a product

positioning of a product

advertising strategies

advertising expenses

sales promotion strategy

to cater for

joint efforts

patent testing

to carry out a sound testing


BTL (below-the-line) concept

POS (point-of-sale) materials

to make a test purchase


Imagine the following situation: you are members of an ad agency (art director, creative director, traffic manager, copywriter, account executive, etc). You have an account to develop an advertisement of a particular product (you re free to choose a product). Work in groups of 3 or 4, discuss the work of your ad agency to turn a trademark into a brand. Divide the work into stages, think through each stage. Prepare your discussion, perform it to the group.



Informative reading


Read the following text, fill in the gaps with the wordsin italicsbelow:

design, layout, a la carte agency, commission, the target audience, designers,

a client organization, copywriters, a TV advert, a full-service agency, marketing communication, a specialist agency, size, media planning, the account planner.

An advertising agency deals with part of all marketing communications activities for a ___ ___. The agencies are different in ___ : from small to vast. The client organization gives ___ to the agency from the media purchases.

The main types of agencies are la carte agency, a specialist agency and a full-service agency. A ___ ___ is responsible for the whole project or campaign. A ___ ___ offers some aspects of a campaign, such as media buying. A ___ ___ is small and more focused on a specific aspect of marketing communications.

A Full-Service Agency will offer:

- Account Management

- creative

- Media

- Traffic and production

- Account planning

Account managers work for an agency with the client. The account managers make suet that the client passes the correct information to the other members of the agency. The ___ ___ works on a brief which the agency team feeds back.

The creative team transforms ideas into smth exciting and attractive to ___ ___. The creative team decide upon the “creative concept “. The words used to express the creative concept are called ___. The imaged, pictures and diagrams are called ___ or ___. This is done by ___ and ___.

The traffic and media team are in charge of the production of the physical and artistic output, ___ ___.

If it is a ___ they commission scripts, select actors, film crews and supporting activities (costumes and catering).

The account planning team work on the “customer’s” perspective, and take a look at the world. They support the creative teams by supplying data and opinion on what is in the market.

The media team organizes the timing and scheduling of the marketing communications campaign. The two main skills of the media team are ___ ___ and media buying.


Use the words and prepare a summary of the text.


Role Play


Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for creating imaginative and effective campaigns. At present, Focus is competing for several contracts. It has been asked to present ideas for advertising campaigns to the managements of the companies concerned. Concepts are required for the following advertising campaigns.


A chain of eight restaurants in your country

Ø The restaurants are in prime location.

Ø Low fat and vegetarian dishes served in a clean, simply furnished, non-smoking environment.

Ø Reasonably priced, but not attracting enough customers.

Ø Target audience: health-conscious people of all ages.

Aim:A creative campaign to improve sales.


A perfume

Ø An upmarket perfume

Ø Produced by a well-known fashion house.

Ø Will и endorsed personality.

Ø Target audience: aged 25-40 who enjoy luxury and sophistication.

Aim: Launch the perfume in an English-speaking country.


A sports car

Ø A high-priced, hand-finished model with a classic design.

Ø Originally popular in the 1950s and 60s.

Ø Available in both coupe and soft-top versions.

Ø Target audience: high-income executives with a sense of fun and style.

Aim: An international press and TV campaign.



You are members of an advertising team at Focus. Prepare an advertising campaign for one of the products or services. Use the Key questions below to help you. Then present your campaign to the management of the company concerned. When you are not presenting your campaign, play the role of the company’s management. Listen and ask questions. Use the Assessment sheet below to choose:

1. the best campaign concept

2. the most effective presentation.



What is the campaign’s key message?

What special features does the product or service have?

What are its USPs (Unique Selling Points)?

Who is your target audience?

What media ill you use? Several, or just one or two?


If you use:

an advertisement – write the text and do rough art work.

a TV commercial – use a storyboard to illustrate your idea.

a radio spot – write the script, including sound effects and music.

other media – indicate, what pictures, text, slogans, etc. will be used.


What special promotions will you use at the start of the campaign?



Give a score of 1-5 for each category: 5=outstanding, 1=needs improvement

Campaign concept

1. Will it get the target audience’s attention?

2. Will it capture their imagination?

3. Does it have a clear, effective message?

4. Will it differentiate the product or service?

5. Will it persuade the target audience to buy the product or service?

6. Will the target audience remember the campaign?

Total: 30



1. Was it interesting?

2. Was it clear?

3. Was it loud and clear enough? Was it varied in pitch or monotonous?

4. Was the pace too quick, too slow, or just right?

5. Was the language fluent, accurate and appropriate?

6. Did impress you? Was there enough eye contact?

Total: 30





KATE: Good morning. I am studying the problems of advertising. Maybe you could give me some information on this problem.

HELEN: Good morning. Well, to begin with, a firm has to ask itself a number of important questions in relation to advertising: How much should the company spend on advertising? What combination of media will work best? What effect does advertising have on the company’s sales?

KATE: To my mind, to answer these questions the company should use some methods of measuring the effectiveness of advertising.

HELEN: You see, most of the methods focus not on attention changes but on how well the communication is remembered, recognized, or recalled.

KATE: But why? Can these methods really measure to what extent the advertising really pays off?

HELEN: No, they can’t, because many factors besides advertising influence sales success. Advertising has some impact on a product’s sales but the exact effect is uncertain.

KATE: Then what information is given by these methods?

HELEN: At present most evaluative methods simply tell which ad is the best among those being appraised.

KATE: But if I am not mistaken, even though one ad may be found to be more memorable or to create more success than another, that fact alone gives no assurance of relationship to sales flexibility .

HELEN: That’s right.

KATE: Then should the company advertise?

HELEN: Without advertising to inform the public of its product, the company will have a difficult time winning brand recognition and brand acceptance. Without advertising it will probably be difficult to persuade dealers to carry the firm’s product, especially if competitive brands are well known.

KATE: I see. Thank you very much indeed.

HELEN: You are welcome.



Часть 2


Юлия Сергеевна Бузуева

Надежда Алексеевна Глазунова






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Подписано в печать . Формат 60´84 1/16.

Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная. Гарнитура Таймс.

Усл. печ. л. 3,5. Уч.-изд. л.

Заказ № . Тираж 300 экз.


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