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Национальная академия наук и национальный исследовательский совет (США)

Семестровая работа №1

Тема:National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council (USA)




Выполнила: студентка группы

РЭТк-12-07 Байкубекова Н.

Проверила:Байгаскина Ж. К.


Алматы, 2014




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National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council (USA)


The National Academy of Sciences adopted in 1863 the constitution and bylaws approved by the President of the United States.

The Academy organized the National Research Council during the first World War. Its members numbering about 250, are drawn from academic, industrial and Government organizations throughout the country. Most members are nominated by the major scientific and technical societies, but the representatives from Government scientific bureaus are designed by the President of the United States.

The over-all organization of the National Academy of Sciences – National Research Council has come to be known generally as the Academy-Research Council.

Matters of executive policy are considered at bimonthly meetings of a Governing Board composed of the Council of the Academy and the Division Chairman of the Research Council.

The Academy-Research Council does not maintain laboratories of its own but supports the work of individual scientists and coordinates investigations dealing with broad problems in research. This is carried out through a wide variety of means including conferences, technical committees, surveys, collections and collation of scientific and technical fata, the sponsorship of scientific publications and research organizations, and the administration of public and private funds for research projects and fellowships.



The Council and the Sections of the Academy

The Academy consists of members, members emeriti, and foreign associates. Members must be citizens of the United States.

The officers of the Academy are a president, a vice-president, a foreign secretary, a home secretary, and a treasurer, all of whom are elected for a term of 4 years, by a majority of votes present, at the annual meeting of the year in which the current terms expire. The date of expiration of the terms of office is June 30.

The officers of the Academy, together with six members who are elected by the Academy, and the chief executive officer of the National Research Council (provided he is a member of the Academy ) constitute a Council for the transaction of business.

There is also an executive committee of the Council of the Academy, composed of seven members, consisting of the president and vice-president of the Academy, the chief executive officer of the National Research Council, the home secretary of the Academy, the treasurer of the Academy, and additional members of the Council of the Academy appointed by the president.

The Academy is divided by the Council into sections representing the principal branches of scientific research. Each section elects its own chairman to serve for 3 years. The chairman is responsible to the Academy for the work of his section.

There is following division of the Academy into sections: Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Geology, Botany, Zoology and Anatomy. Physiology and Bacteriology, Anthropology, Psychology, Geophysics.


The Meeting, Election, Sessions and Committees

The Academy holds one stated meeting, called the annual meeting, in April of each year in the city of Washington, and another stated meeting, called the autumn meeting, at a place determined by the Council. The Council also has power to fix the date of each meeting.

Special scientific meeting of the Academy are held at times and places designated by a majority of the Council. Election of members id held at the annual meeting in Washington.

Communications on scientific subjects are read at scientific sessions of the Academy, and papers by any member may be read by the author or by any other member.

Persons who are not members also may read papers in scientific sessions of the Academy on invitation of the Council or of the committee in arrangements.

The president of the Academy presents an annual report to Congress. This report is presented to Congress after authorization by the Council. It is also presented to the Academy at the annual meeting.




The fellowship activities of the National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council comprise large program. The administration and information regarding them is centered in the Fellowship Office or the Office of Scientific Personnel.



The Academy provides the publications of Proceedings, Scientific Memories, Biographical Memoirs and Reports.

The publications of the Proceedings is under the general charge of the Council. They contain original articles in brief form of permanent scientific value.

The Scientific Memoirs give opportunity for the publication of longer and more detailed scientific investigations.

The Biographical Memoirs contain an appropriate record of the life and work of the deceased members of the Academy.


National Research Council


The National Research Council serves as the principal operating agency of the Academy, furnishing professional and research advice to governmental and other organization, and administrating certain funds.

The Research Council is composed of:

1. Representatives of national scientific and technical societies.

2. Representatives of the Government.

3. Representatives of the research organizations.

4. Persons whose aid may advance the objectives of the Council.

The Council is organized in Division dealing with branches of science and technology. It includes the following eight Divisions: Anthropology and Psychology, Biology and Agriculture, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Earth Sciences, Engineering and Industrial Research, Mathematics, Medical Sciences, and Physical Sciences.


An Office of Scientific Personnel and an Office of International Relations deal with problems in those areas common to all sciences.

The executive board of the Research Council consists of the Chairman and officers; the chairman of the Divisions of the Council; and members of the executive committee of the Council of the National Academy of Sciences.

The Chairman of the National Research Council is appointed by the Council of the National Academy of Sciences. The Chairman is the executive officer of the National Research Council. He acts as chairman of its executive board in the absence of the president and vice-president of the Academy.

An annual report on the work of the National Research Council is presented by the to the National Academy of Sciences for inclusion in the annual report of the annual of the Academy to Congress.




Национальная академия наук и национальный исследовательский совет (США)


Национальная академия наук, в 1863 приняла конституцию и устав, и была одобрена президентом Соединенных Штатов.

Академия организовала Национальный исследовательский совет во время Первой мировой войны. Участников было приблизительно 250, и были привлечены из академического, промышленного и правительственных организаций по всей стране. Большинство участников были выбраны главными научно-технического общества, но представители правительства научного бюро были выбраны президентом Соединенных Штатов.

Организация Национальной Академии наук-национального исследовательского совета стала известной как Академия-научный совет.

Вопросы исполнительной политики рассматривают на встречах проходящих дважды в месяц, составленного Советом академии и председателя Научного совета.

Академия-научного совета не имеют собственные лаборатории, но поддерживает работу индивидуальных ученых и координирует иследования, имеющие дело с широкими проблемами в исследовании. Это осуществляется с помощью самых разнообразных средств, включая конференций, технические комитеты, обзоры, коллекции и сопоставление научно-технических данных, спонсорство научных публикаций и исследовательских организаций и администрации общественных и частных фондов для научно-исследовательских работ и товариществ.



Совет и части академии

Академия состоит из участников, участников заслуженныx и иностранных партнеров. Участники должны быть гражданами Соединенных Штатов.

Чиновники Академии - президент, вице - президент, министр иностранных дел, министр внутренних дел и казначей, все из которых избраны для срока 4 лет, большинством существующих голосов, на годовом собрании года, в котором истекают текущие сроки. Дата истечения сроков полномочий 30 июня.

Чиновники Академии, вместе с шестью участниками, которые избраны Академией и генеральным директором Национального исследовательского совета (если он - член Академии) составляют Совет по ведению дел.

Есть также исполнительный комитет Совета Академии, составленной из семи участников, состоят из президента и вице-президента Академии, генерального директора Национального исследовательского совета, министра внутренних дел Академии, казначея Академии и дополнительных членов Совета Академии, назначенной президентом.

Академия разделена на Совет в секции, представляющие основные отделения научного исследования. Каждая секция выбирает своего собственного председателя, чтобы служить в течение 3 лет. Председатель ответственен Академии для работы его секции.

Есть следующее подразделение Академии в секции: Математика, Астрономия, Физика, Разработка, Химия, Геология, Ботаника, Зоология и Анатомия, Физиология и Бактериология, Антропология, Психология, Геофизика.


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