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My name is Peter Ivanov. I am 23 years old. I live in Rostov-on-Don now, but I was born in village “Egorlik” in 1983, on the 12th of October. I am a teacher and I also study at the Rostov State Pedagogical University at the Pedagogical faculty. I am first year student of the correspondence department.

My family is not very large. I have a mother, a father and a younger sister. I am still single.

My mother’s name is Maria Petrovna; she is a woman of 45. She is a doctor at our village hospital. Everybody likes her because she is a very lively and kind person. My father’s name is Boris Borisovich, he is 45 too. He is a driver. My sister’s name is Lena, she is 18, and she is a student of Rostov State University. My sister wants to be an economist and works hard at all the subjects. She is very pretty and smart.

My family is very united and we love each other.


I am a teacher and my working day is very busy. On weekdays I usually get up at 6 o’clock. Though classes start at 8, I like to get up earlier to have enough time to prepare properly. First I go to the bathroom and wash myself, brush my teeth and comb my hair. Then I air my bedroom and do some morning exercises. After that I go to the kitchen and prepare breakfast for myself.

Usually it is a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich. At 7.30 I leave home. I live not far from school so I usually walk there. At 7.40 I am in the classroom and get it ready for the first lesson.

Usually I have 4 or 5 lessons every day. Then I stay at school to do some social work, to meet my pupils’ parents or to prepare for the next day.

If I get home at dinner time I dine at home, if not, we have a good canteen at school with a big choice of food.

In the evening I usually watch TV or read some interesting book. Sometimes my friends and I go to the cinema or theatre, or just have a walk in the street. I go to bed at 11 o’clock.


I study at the Pedagogical University. Our University is large, it occupies four buildings. The main building is situated in Bolshaya Sadovaya Street.

There are 7 faculties at our University, they are the faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, the faculty of Technology and Management, the faculty of Biology and Chemistry, the faculty of Art and Drawing, the faculty of History, the faculty of Psychology, the Pedagogical faculty with two departments: the department of primary education and the department of pre-school pedagogics. There are also 3 Institutes at our University: the Institute of Linguistics, the Institute of Physical Culture Training and Sports and the Institute of Economics, Management and Law. The Institute of Linguistics consists of two de­partments: the department of foreign languages and the philological de­partment. Most students study at the day-time department, besides there is a correspondence department at our University.

There is a special preparatory faculty at which young men and women can prepare for the examinations.

Most students receive grants. The amount depends on the results of the previous set of examinations and their scientific work.

The academic year in our country begins on the first of September and lasts ten months. There are two terms in the academic year. The first term runs from the beginning of September till the end of December and the second term runs from the beginning of February till the end of May. The students take terminal examinations after each term. After the ex­amination sessions we have holidays. Classes at our University begin at half past eight in the morning and end at half past one in the afternoon. The students have their lectures and seminars in lecture-halls and class­rooms, besides there are many laboratories for practical and research work.

The students study a lot of subjects at the University and among them the History of our Motherland, Philosophy, Sociology, Economics and Management, Pedagogic, Philology, a Foreign Language and others. There are also many other subjects, which are studied at special facul­ties, such as physics, mathematics, Russian and foreign literature, me­chanical drawing, computer science, art, etc.

The students can get all the necessary books at the library. There are a lot of Russian and foreign books and newspapers there. The stu­dents usually prepare for their classes in the reading-room of the library.

The students of all the faculties are divided into groups. In each group we have a monitor. Most of the students take an active part in so­cial and scientific life of our University.

Those students who like to carry out research work may become the members of students’ scientific society. The teachers of different chairs help the students in their scientific activity. All the students who want to go in for some kind of sport have good possibilities to do it -there are many sport sections at each faculty.

Vocabulary Notes

to be situated – находиться, располагаться

day-time department – дневное отделение

extra-mural department – заочное отделение

department syn. Correspondence to study by correspondence – заниматься заочно

part-time students – студенты вечернего или заочного отделения, которые занимаются без отрыва от производства

full-time students – студенты дневного отделения

to take (to have) an examination in (English) – сдавать экзамен по (англ.)

syn. to pass an examination (a test) – сдать экзамен (зачет)

ant. to fail an examination – провалиться на экзамене

terminal examinations – курсовые экзамены

entrance examinations – вступительные экзамены

preparatory faculty – подготовительный факультет

to receive grants – получать стипендию

academic year – учебный год

course – курс

to attend classes – посещать занятия

main subject – профилирующий предмет

to have a good command of subject – хорошо знать предмет

compulsory subject – обязательный предмет



Контрольная работа №1

Для 1 курса ОЗО факультета психологии



Вариант 1


Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения. Подчеркните прилагательные или наречия в степени сравнения и переведите предложения на русский язык. Выпишите и переведите предложения из 1,2,3 абзацев текста “Paradox of Choice”, содержащие сравнительные конструкции.

1) I am not so stupid as to believe that.

2) She did twice as much work as you.

3) I know it much better now.

4) The harder you study, the more you will learn.

5) The snow was as white as the clouds in the sky.

6) That is the most incredible story I have ever heard.

7) Both roads lead to the city centre, but the left-hand one is probably a bit shorter.


2. Выберите конструкции It is… или There is/are. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


1) ___is cold in the house today.

2) ___ is a desk in the classroom.

3) ___ are pictures on the wall.

4) ___ is five o’clock now.

5) ___ is often very hot in Africa.

6) ___ are many cars in the street.

7) ___ is a woman with a baby on the chair.


3. Найдите ошибки в предложениях, подчеркните их и напишите правильный вариант.

1) John and Ann has coloured pencils.

2) Mr. Green are a good doctor.

3) Kate have two brothers.

4) These is a park.

5) Are Dan a schoolboy? – Yes, he has.

6) This tables is big.

7)Please, give I a apple.

4. Вставьте в пропуски местоимения both/ either/ neither. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Ann has got two sisters. ____ sisters are married.

2) There were two pictures on the wall. I didn’t like ____ of them.

3) It was a very good football match. ____ teams played well.

4) “Is your friend English or American?” – “_____. She is Australian”.

5) We went away for two days but the weather wasn’t very good. It rained on ____ days.

6) I invited Jack and Jill to my party but ____ of them came.

7) “Do you go to work by car or by bus?” – “____. I always walk.”


5. Найдите в колонке “В” продолжение предложений из колонки “А”. Напишите составленные предложения и переведите их на русский язык.


A 1. The wall isn’t very high. 2. I don’t play very well. 3. The water is cold. 4. She speaks fast. 5. She is rather busy. 6. I haven’t got much money. 7. That road is dangerous. 8. My mother is very old. B a) She doesn’t go out on her own. b) I can’t go on holiday this year. c) It won’t keep burglars out. d) Children shouldn’t play in it. e) I can’t understand her. f) Don’t swim in it. g) She can’t talk to you just now. h) I won’t get in the team.



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